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Everything posted by wykikitoon

  1. Isak to bang in a hattrick and give a tribute to Di at the end
  2. His company has always been good at sustainability. The gear they sell is expensive but I have some of it because I know it's not made in sweat shops etc.
  3. I was speaking to my wife about it last night. When I saw Charlie turn up at Buck House, I admit, it evoked some emotions in me of my father passing. But that was for a small time. Some of them stood in a piss stained line for hours to walk passed this 'out of respect' will be the sort to totally ignore a tramp etc. They don't have a fucking clue what respect is.
  4. I mean, what were they expecting? A fucking rave?
  5. What happens if you haven't got flexible tickets?
  6. My GP's is closing. This is after several weeks of receiving texts saying routine things are cancelled due to shortage of staff.
  7. As the same 'gammons' who moan about the Insulate Britain protestors and then applaud the 'go slow' fuel protest and then will moan at heating bills because of a poorly insulated building.
  8. Train prices are cheaper the further out they go. But yeh fuck em.
  9. I bet most of the people going to 'pay their respects' will have their phones out and be getting it for the 'gram
  10. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2022/sep/13/king-charles-staff-given-redundancy-notice-during-church-service-for-queen?CMP=Share_AndroidApp_Other
  11. There's been woke and then there's doing something in the fear of not being woke. I.e cancelling a fucking Guinea Pig Awareness week in the fear of backlash from utter nut jobs who somehow connect it to the Queen.
  12. The ex forces / current serving lads I know always jizz whenever there's something about the Queen. I close friend has done several tours of Afghan / Iraq. When there its 'We aren't doing this for the politicians, its for our oppos / brothers' Then the Queen dies and it's all 'Cheers Boss' Fuck off.
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