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Everything posted by wykikitoon

  1. Leicester is a surprising one! Arsenal too keeping it tight on wages. Great stats Fish!
  2. I would like to see McCoist more, but he sold his sole to Murdoch media. He's a canny pundit.
  3. He looked calm as fuck too Superb.
  4. I think I have worked out why you're a shit manager Tim.
  5. I did and got all confused So he's not out because the ball didn't touch the floor? It went over the line but his body and the ball we're not touch the floor.
  6. I think we will get about £8m for him if that
  7. Listening to the Amricast poddy a few weeks back, it appears for US citizens (Zoidberg will correct me) want laws on guns changing and restrictions of assault rifles for definite. It's the politicians being lobbied by the NRA that's fucking it up.
  8. Not right now considering he's not playing 😂 But aye he's.pure class. Everything about City just went through him. He reads the game so well, he dictates the pace of the game. Etc.
  9. I'm gonna have to go to a 20 20 game this year. Really enjoying the BBL
  10. He's fucking shit tho for a defender but yeh laaaa assists init
  11. Watching the BBL Adelaide v Perth. I assume this is the 20 20 cricket? Been fun to watch despite a load of stuff I haven't got a clue what is going on.
  12. First thing Ratcliffe should do (and he won't) is sack Brailsfraud. What the fuck has that cunt got in football? They're all doped anyways so that 'marginal gains' tripe that he used on the trackies and roadies wont fucking wash. Fuck off you bald weasel faced cunt.
  13. First person we should be praising is @Dazzler
  14. Its Gary Neville. He looks who's scored and if its not a yewnited player just guesses.
  15. Like strawb said, we have managed this really well. Something years gone by we have failed to do.
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