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Everything posted by wykikitoon

  1. Think Gloomy is gonna have a pant explosion tonight if Anderson starts
  2. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-merseyside-63314463 Fucking pep the wanker
  3. Labour isn't working. 1m unemployed went to 3m+ to Magic Money tree. to a fucking huge bastard forest. Yet people lap it up.
  4. The comment about Wilsons pen was a bit WTF.
  5. Aye same. Then at the weekend it's Strictly come dog shit.
  6. Last time I was in Cyprus is was full of Ruskis
  7. FWIW I am down for the jab next week and the main reason for it, is like Renton. The Flu. I could pay for the Flu jab on its own I suppose. I don't know about going forward if they will continue to offer it to people my age. My wife was by far the youngest and fittest looking at the GPs on Saturday. I was stood waiting outside and 99% of people getting pricked were old or fat cunts.
  8. But the majority don't take note of PMQ's tbh. Its beyond parody now.
  9. Wife had the booster and jab at the weekend. She might get the vaccines next!
  10. How many of them voted for the cunts tho?
  11. Bullies sticking up for bullies, who knew
  12. But that was our fault for trying to hold onto a point. Mag BASTARDS!
  13. Trossard linked with us apparently. Isak will be like a new signing when he finally gets some proper legs.
  14. We have friends who wont watch films / series in that have stuff about kids been murdered or abused. But will happily sit through a 500 part episode on Saville or Hindley / Brady.
  15. Ah Fish man Hope the old lad is reyt once he is home and got his feet up.
  16. So they want to bring back someone who got a known sex offender a job and is under investigation for lying to the house. WHY AREN'T THE MEDIA ALL OVER THIS? People just seem to think Boris left over some shite wallpaper or a couple of beers. No, that was the icing, the cheery on the CUNT CAKE was getting his fingering mate a fucking JOB!
  17. Threw himself to the floor. had the mad cunt been on the proddy stuff? Fuck me. As for Gallagher, like they said on the True Faith poddy, he just couldn't bring himself to disagree with the ref and VAR ref. It was a nailed on pen.
  18. I mean there's plenty of players dumped at an early age that go to be decent.
  19. Some Labour MP asked him about a potential GE. He said the country needs stability not uncertain times due to poor Labour policy. Yet did 5Live pick up on it? Yet cunts think we need to keep the BBC. Fuck off.
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