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Everything posted by wykikitoon

  1. I heard a great Robson quote, think it was on TF podcast. Something along the likes of 'We wont be challenging for the title, but we shall challenge those who are challenging for the title'
  2. Basically ASM has been our outlet and main focal point. It is going to be interesting once ASM comes back. I am sure he will become the focal point again. Miggy is producing and it would be class if he can carry it on once ASM comes back as it gives opposition two areas where they have to be worried about.
  3. This is gonna be tighter than some people think IMO. A new gaffer and like Fish said, we have played some tough games recently. 1-0. Sven FINALLY getting that goal.
  4. Hurst opened up the latest poddy like he had just got his man in as PM. Decent poddy this week. Well apart from Hope and her thoughts on our squad depth.
  5. Charlotte 'Emmmm, like, emmmmm' Hope on the TF poddy thinks Eddie has done such a great job she doesn't think we need to add to the depth. Happy Wood comes on and doesn't score.
  6. Was listening to the wireless last night cooking tea. Goldstein and Bent were talking about players of the weekend. Goldstein picks Henderson for Forest. Bent picks Bruno. Both agreed what a player he is. I like these two and they do have a laugh and talk sense, Bur what knocked me was Danny Murphy. Later I am washing up and he's chatting to that ginger cunt, I forgot his name. Anyways, Murphy is wanking praise all over us for this weekend. LOVE IT
  7. Look at the cunts stood on the stairs like its all a fucking joke. The fucking rat bastards.
  8. What a bunch of cunts and spoiled bastards they are when announcing Sunak as PM. Banging tables like it's a fucking youth club. What a laughing stock we must be globally.
  9. As soon as shes put under the spot about Wilson standing his ground she starts stuttering. Slack cunt.
  10. He makes very sensible points like this and then spaffs it up the wall on Twitter.
  11. Think it was Gloomy who said it. But the fact he's not going down and rolling about like a fanny says a lot. Howe must have had words.
  12. The whole recovery thing full stop.
  13. 😂 😂 😂 Great to see the rohypnol hasn't caused your humor any damage this weekend.
  14. Didn't see the game as I was out. But chuffed Shelvey got some minutes. Gives us another option. Sounds like Willock had a decent game. He's growing each week.
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