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Everything posted by wykikitoon

  1. As soon as I turned on it was bollocks about time wasting at Anfield. Get to fuck you cunt. There was talk about us spending too. Fuck off. Like we're the only spenders. Just clueless the lot of them.
  2. Welcome back to the 21st centuary Labour.
  3. Hahah I know that's what made me laugh too
  4. I see he's totally tossed the not boozing on the job out of the window.
  5. Yet he's still got his gig at BBC Radio 5 Live?!
  6. Went into Currys yesterday, a bloke come up to me and asked me if he could help me. I said 'aye pal, I want someone to sell me a kettle' 'Kenwood' 'Great, where's he then?'
  7. Just watching Italia 90 docu on Channel 4. They talk about the 80s and how fucked it was with the country and the unrest. It could easily be about now.
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