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Everything posted by wykikitoon

  1. Like @Andrewsaid I think him and Howe had a falling out at the latter end of his time down there due to him not being happy.
  2. @The Fish Just thinking. Is it worth having a table for each league member? There's 50 Riders. Then in that table have what each event they have done. Then that can be put into the overall table
  3. https://www.redandwhitekop.com/forum/index.php?topic=329699.12920 Lovely reading
  4. Their defence is UTTER wank. So fucking bad.
  5. Hahahaha GET TO FUCK And you Richards you Joe 90 looking CUNT
  6. BTW Don't have a clue what this has to do with us
  7. Put a bet on before the season for Napoli to win the Champs League at 20/1/ FORZA NAPOLI!!!!!
  8. The main thing is. Milner is fucking shit hot at bleep tests.
  9. @PaddockLadWhat's the SP for away games? I wouldn't mind a ticket for Forest away. Any chance you could source?
  10. Special night at anfield. Hope they win tbh. Distraction from the league.
  11. Yanks have been flying over Harrogate all day. Shitting their pants.
  12. Why? It's full of depressing shite.
  13. Fair play then It's crazy shit like. Another reason I don't watch the news anymore.
  14. I am thinking about Poland. Didn't they join in the late 90s?
  15. My politics knowledge especially on this subject is very small. But as soon as a country has joined Nato along their border hasn't the US put rocket sites / radar stations along it?
  16. Top man, will give it a go this eve and let thee know.
  17. Wasn't there an agreement that Nato wouldn't push any further after the cold war and that's not happened? Is the bear being prodded a little too much?
  18. The first two are two separate tabs. One is the league, the others is where I have been imputing my events. So I put in a name of who has done the event and that's picked up on the league.
  19. Right, screen dump alert
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