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Everything posted by wykikitoon

  1. Honestly I've used excel for a couple of decades but very very basic. Ive got loads of spreadsheets for my calcs. When you mentioned making some of my stuff a table I've gone back and redone a lot of my stuff and it's soooooo good. What's your. PayPal 😂
  2. Great shout that the speccy false cunt. I'll be gutted if Mark Chapman does it as I really like him.
  3. He's also a sky cycling wank fan.
  4. He's too thick to even write red wall without getting it checked.
  5. Tbh I do it as I have to google how to speel his name correctly otherwise 🤣
  6. Wouldn't surprise me. Keith doesn't have his own ideas.
  7. Would be great to see shearer and others step down too. But being rich I doubt it.
  8. What a fucking country we live in.
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