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Everything posted by wykikitoon

  1. https://twitter.com/paddypower/status/1877399886133416195
  2. On who can shag his daughter first prolly
  3. Hasn't Tesla run at a loss for years anyways so he couldnt give a fuck?
  4. Don't worry about that. Enjoy the football.
  5. I wonder what the response by the British government would be if these comments were made by a Russian / Chinese billionaire.
  6. Climbers on Sharp Edge yesterday. WOW!
  7. 'If I was you, I would be enjoying the football' Oh mint lad. Aye, watch the syndicate still take the piss and win everything, aye pal. GTFO.
  8. Little shit Man, it makes me wanna get back climbing. A mate was out on Helvellyn yesterday with the axe and crampons, looked mega.
  9. Cousin just sent me this. He didn't take it. Apparently someone called Ian hobson. Beautiful pic.
  10. Acowding to adwam pwearswon aweseal warent wat bwad they hawd a wot a chancews
  11. https://youtube.com/shorts/-Hwqn-59quU?si=ko5zbBDDtmST_Pb3
  12. I think I am lucky as my local one is brilliant. Great stuff who have to deal with so much. When I go in for my meds, whilst waiting you get all sorts coming in and giving them grief.
  13. Aye I forgot about 111. I had a rash in early Nov and instead of going to my GP, I went to the pharmacy (who are very good) and they gave me a cream and it went within a few days. I think if more people were able to use the pharmacy for stuff like this, the better. Any little bits of pressure we can take off the GP's, especially this time of year, the better.
  14. A couple of the lads in the club are GP's. One has said one of the biggest things is listening to someone and then putting them at ease, which I 100% get. That's why they wont be replaced with AI as they don't have that compassion. When I pissed blood I went through all sorts of tests to rule out things. They were adamant it was just a UTI but that's rare in blokes, especially at my age. Anyways, a few months after I was still anxious about stuff and then me old man passed. A few months after that I was certain I felt a lump and went and got a GP appointment, I sat and spoke with them and they really did put me at ease. It's them little bits AI (at the moment) cannot do. I have a mate who is also a consultant in A&E, he volunteers on the YAA and his wife is a GP. He's always having sly dig's at here about how she could have got a proper medical job is she was better at uni
  15. I mean, I love the shirt, but fuck me, £90 for a shirt? nah.
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