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Everything posted by wykikitoon

  1. "He might have brushed the ball but fair enought to give a penalty" Fuck off.
  2. They need to get shut of VAR. It's beyond a joke now.
  3. Thats no pen there for City. Soft as fuck.
  4. I was listening to the radio in the build up to the games and all you heard was how Liverpool are on for the top four. I've just looked, Villa are closer to the top 4 than them cunts!
  5. No, but according to the radio it was offside. So who knows
  6. Salah scores an offside goal and we are checking VAR 'Are we at Anfield? Yes, Goal stands'
  7. TBH No, I don't want them down. It's good for the city and it's always been a decent away ground for us. Would rather Southampton went down.
  8. 😂 I had to double check what I put then 😂 I'm not even boozing either 😂
  9. Just seen this on Elliott Anderson Insta https://www.instagram.com/p/CrStrbhI9dc/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= 😢 Hopefully he will be reet and get through it. He's lucky in some way he was a professional sports man and should get the best medical treatment going.
  10. She's that boring brummy cunt who 100% has been put on because she's female. Don't do it to tick boxes sky. There's plenty of really good female pundits.
  11. Jesus is a perfect arsenal player. A whinging tearful droopy eyed CUNT
  12. Cuba Gooding Jnr doesn't half go down quick
  13. Hope them cunts who left early are fuming now
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