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Everything posted by wykikitoon

  1. No surprise the bin dipper at work is saying it was a pen
  2. Imagine that. Chelsea and Everton go down and he's the first manager to send two clubs down in one season
  3. He played Roundhay park near me. Bro in law went with his wife. It cost them £400!!!!!!
  4. The FA should just come out and say the can't let Liverpool miss out on ECL qualification so need them to get more points. At least be honest about it.
  5. Raducanu injured again. Gotta feel for her like. She's still the UK's No1 which shows how shit the rest are! If she's not playing like.
  6. But he slept on Jamie Foxx couch. MULTI MILLIONAIRE Jamie Foxx's COUCH! The mother FUCKER is that RICH, he doesn't have a spare bedroom!
  7. Just been listening to wireless and they're still banging on about 4th place for them.
  8. https://www.instagram.com/p/CryjElyIxcd/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
  9. Its for the cycle club. We offer several paced rides setting off at different times. Just trying to get some stats on it. Because G-Dogg and Fishman know stats are king.
  10. Right another one @Gemmill I want to count how many instances of a criteria between a range. So in the highlighted column I want to count how many I have from 17:00 - 17:30. That it would be a total of 3. Then the same from 17:35 - 18:00 That selection it would be a total of 9
  11. Man, You're just too sexy!
  12. Righto A new one. I have got a table again and this time I want calculate some things. One of the value sets is in letter formats A, B, B+ C etc. Using the table I can filter thow only A values, etc. I want to do that and then it give me the total number of these. How the FUCK do I do that?
  13. Fuck me, what a feeling that one was.
  14. They've been doing similar around here. I noticed that a lot of Tory MP's have removed their party from their Twitter Bio's too.
  15. I mean smashing Sane in the face hasn't helped him like.
  16. He's been charged with his comments, not his conduct. The utter MELT
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