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Everything posted by wykikitoon

  1. Burn has been our best player this season imo.
  2. We have very little in terms of pace out of the first 11. Osula looked like he had some but he's still raw.
  3. I think he's just been fully rested.
  4. Persistent fouler with sly digs and coward tackles
  5. Bayindir badge kissing after his 5th appearance for the club Looks better than that other cunt tho.
  6. FMA BLUD FAM Where's that CUnt Ty the cunt. In his fcking Arsenal PJ's crying like a cunt the fucking cunt.
  7. Hemmbarrrasingg Hahah fuck off Playmobil heed you cunt
  8. Raya dives about 5 minutes before the pen
  9. or, if we lose / draw start asking for Eddie's head
  10. Think its summit about knife crime. So probably allowing em.
  11. Why aren't Arsenal wearing their home kit?
  12. Assuming draw is after Man Utd Arsenal game?
  13. Their kit is fucking gopping BTW
  14. We need Fish to tell us his StOB Stat. Step over Per Bandage stat.
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