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Everything posted by wykikitoon

  1. Canny read Talk of Howe wanting to keep Dummett, I think more on the coaching side though.
  2. That's why they go watch multi-millionaires kicking footballs and most probably kick off when there are rail strikes because they cant get to away games to watch said millionaires kick footballs.
  3. Just heard on the wireless that Steve Wozniak has said tech companies have got too big
  4. Scabs at City ground loving the national anthem
  5. TBH I think the lack of respect towards G-Dogg is disgusting.
  6. Thing is, with the drive throughs. We are supposedly (I know it's all lip service and bollocks) trying to encourage active travel and cut down on car journeys. Well why are they allowing planning for these? They also look fucking SHITE. I have worked on a few and they're fucking awful jobs to work on because they squeeze the contractor and they pass the shite onto us.
  7. Near me they have given up bagging it. It's like going back to the 80s.
  8. How they get planning permission is beyond me. Then we have cunts who allow it scratching their heads at increased Costa cups thrown on the motorway and Greggs packets.
  9. Just a side note. We haven't kept a clean sheet since we beat Man Utd. Would be nice to get that defence back to it.
  10. The old classic Ashley play book https://talksport.com/football/1418120/man-utd-takeover-goalkeeper-david-de-gea/?utm_source=onesignal&utm_medium=push&utm_campaign=2023-05-08--On-hold
  11. bellend road is usually a decent hunting ground for us. I don't think it will be as easy as some think. But we have enough class to see these off. I don't think Eddie will change too much though.
  12. On the BBC ticker a man utd fan actually posted that the club hasn't moved in from when Ole was in charge 😂
  13. Post that % thingy for the top 4 etc
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