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Everything posted by wykikitoon

  1. Aye because he's on the breadline now
  2. I think that's a front from Howe. Looks like Kane is interested in Bayern
  3. Why can't they buy some of our shite? They've got this sportswashing wrong!
  4. Barnes and Disasi signing next week then Barnes not in the Leciester team today
  5. But but but Maxi is amazing READ MY STATZ /lta
  6. Yeh. Got G-Dogg to thank for the link to his substack. Some really good stuff.
  7. banter? He looks like a fucking spaniel and plays like one.
  8. Everytime you have tried to out stat Fish, you've lost
  9. 'oooo look at me, to be sure, to be sure'
  10. As always G-Dogg, you're an inspiration. Will give sourdough a go.
  11. I do my pizza dough in my bread maker which is a cheat but love making my own pizza
  12. Who under Rodgers was good at pressing for them? Last couple of seasons they were woeful. If ASM was the all singing and dancing player you make out. Why don't we have a line of clubs wanting to buy him? He is a bit part player from now on. That's it. With the tourney Gordon has had, he's even further down the line.
  13. Oh aye, he's a lower Prem / Champ player. Not a £30m player
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