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Everything posted by wykikitoon

  1. Dickie Bird being interviews on look north in a Yorkshire CCc top full of food the scruffy cunt
  2. Yesterdays The Rest is Football is funny as fuck
  3. They should loan him to Besiktas and make it clear what he's done.
  4. I think with Mendy, he was on remand at one point wasn't he?
  5. The whole 'This isn't football' shite always pisses me off too.
  6. It's fair. It's the challenge cup final this weekend. Some Hull KR fans were posting pics of them having beers with Leigh fans after a stoppage on the M1. 'This wouldn't happen in football' Fuck off.
  7. He's said Hall for £30m is too cheap. AKA someone has got it right and he hasn't and is crying like a pussy
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