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Everything posted by wykikitoon

  1. Just listening t'wireless whilst cook tea. Andy Goldcunt saying what a poor start we have made and what's the matter. Doesn't mention the calibre of teams we have played at all like.
  2. Knowing them they'll still expect 200m.for him next summer
  3. Watched one documentry and seen Wilson a few times on screen and all of a sudden she's a super fan.
  4. Wife comes into the living room. Im watching cycling. She asks 'What times sainsbury's coming?' '3-4' 'dick head why did you do it then when Newcastles on?' 🙄
  5. Cunts Apparently woy Hodgson is 'unwell'
  6. https://x.com/Magpie24_7/status/1702998637997928517?s=20
  7. I've learnt by now not to get carried away. No doubt the cunt will get something turned over. Imagine if they do get beat after he treated that jurno the cunt.
  8. There's a story where Gazza was playing an U23 game when at Everton. The opposition had a free kick and a kid took it and fucked it up. Apparently Gazza grabbed the ball put it back told the kid what to do and talked him through it. Kid did and scored. Think that was on an under the cosh story can't remember who.
  9. 'Make ze own upinion about it' Because you're still brushing your teeth from 9am and cant give a team talk you German Bell
  10. The John Berseford one is good. I spoke to him at the Forest match last year and he said he got him pissed before
  11. 85m waste Only two goals and two assists between then in 4 games this season. Already pissing on bandage boys return last season.
  12. Andy Murrays gran. So important it was on the news. Him blubbing because he couldn't be there. Mate, you can, just don't play a tin pot tennis game yoy greedy cunt.
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