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Everything posted by wykikitoon

  1. Fuck me My mornings fucked now
  2. Doesn't he have to get it through first?
  3. I got a rash (no you DIRTY BASTARDS!) on my torso I saw the doc about. After finally speaking to one (----><----). He has given me a perscription for a cream. Went to collect it yesterday was asked if I pay for my meds. I don't for my epilepsy meds, so I just said 'I don't for my epilepsy stuff, but will for this' then got told that if i have an exemption card I don't pay for any meds full stop. I find that a bit mad. Surely this is costing the NHS millions?
  4. Even got the parquet flooring in Why is the radiator miles away from the wall?
  5. Surprising? I basically work in an office 😂
  6. How the fuck do you get it to render? It comes back saying it cant for me
  7. Little delivery today 🤪
  8. I was gonna put a post about calling a truce, but they're just a total WUM with all the chook shite and face palming my posts etc. From now on I shall keep stum, but any of that shite from them and I'll just keep mute. Should have been banned IMO.
  9. I cant find Bakayoko stuff on Romano X account. But maybe I'm blind
  10. Kyle Walker to Man City AC Meelan
  11. You really have missed your vocation in life Well, you probably walked out of it
  12. I have heard MAGA a lot on the wireless and it wasn't until I saw it here that it was an acronym
  13. Aye but I have a mate who lives there and it would be the Olympics.
  14. We had planned on going to LA for the 2028 olympics and visit some other area's. I know that's 3 years away and as they say 24 hours is a long time in politics. But it really is putting us off having the Mango Mussolini (LOL btw) in charge. I heard someone say he will drop a load of these EO and things within a week he will settle down. What, after he's done the damage?
  15. Mate of mine is boarding in Chamonix at the moment/ Yesterday he's on the lift with this scouse bloke and said he's having a laugh. They both do the same run down and get on the same lift again. This happens a few times through the day. Last night they go get some food and then have a beer and this scousers comes up to him and asks if he was the one on the lift. My mate said aye and he has a chat with him. Scouser asks if he wants a pint, my mate said he's in round but thanks. Mate takes the round back to the table and his mates all look stunned. Mate asks whats wrong with em. 'Look at you best mates with Wayne Rooney' My mate doesn't follow football so didn't have a clue Said they had more chats with him and Colleen and said they were both really nice and down to earth.
  16. Apparently we're after Alex Baena
  17. & The Paris Climate agreement.
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