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Everything posted by wykikitoon

  1. Heckingbottom first Prem gaffer sacked?
  2. In terms of us and the USA we are miles better than them cunts
  3. I think lot of books like this have a slant that's why you've got to keep an open mind and do your own research.
  4. The patent in some countries in Africa are owned by certain pharma companies and they wouldn't allow it to be used until they paid x price. Meanwhile AZ couldn't produce enough as they had already sold X to certain developed countries. Also a lot of the companies who own the patents i.e Moderna the main one, are making billions off the back of government funded research. I.e Me and thee funding it and them making money off and paying fuck all back It's basically similar to the AIDS/HIV situation. The big pharma companies also use these situations to their advantage. When there was a meningitis outbreak in Africa they used it to their advantage to basically do trials. Due to the lack of controls they could, One one side of an emergency camp you had MSF treating sick children for nowt. On the other half Pfizer and they were trailing a new drug that hadn't passed any controls in the US. A load had died or had big side effects on that side compared to MSF yet Pfizer put it down to the virus. Also apparently the big phrama companies 'gift' third world countries out of date meds and medical supplies as there are loop holes in tax to help them. One company gifted Namibia millions of breast implants that do absolutely fuck all but sit there. Meanwhile the pharma company are getting millions in tax relief and also good PR because they will say 'Oh yeh we helped Namibia out with health supplies; and leave it at that
  5. I'm just reading pharmanomics and it starts off with the Covid situation. How many billionaires were made off the back of it from big Pharma and how they fucked over third world countries because they wouldn't lower their prices to help put. What a world we live in. Cunts.
  6. QS? You fucking bank manager and I thought we were friends!!!!
  7. Ill cum fort her later 😜
  8. Just leaving the office. Few of us off for a beer. Our office manager takes a call. Her mums just passed. 😢
  9. That last paragraph, first sentence, you're right. I also think a lot are afraid about those and what is left behind. My wife and I have had wills since we bought our first house together. We don't have any bairns at all. Yet we have friends with barins and they don't have any wills at all. I find that absolutely mind blowing. People insure their cars and houses (well most do) but don't insure their wishes. My wife lost her best mate two years ago. She was 52 and suffered with cancer for 3 years. She was a very well read women and a decent lawyer. Yet didn't have a will. She again had no bairns or immediate family. She wrote on a bit of A4 what she wanted to be done with her estate with a note saying she knows it needs witnessing and passing to a solicitor to a formal will. It never did. It's taken almost 2 years to sort the jumble of stuff she had left. It's painful for those left behind.
  10. Interesting thread @sammynb Ever since I was younger I have always been aware of death. My dads only sister passed when i was about 8. My dad being an old school paddy didn't ever speak about his feelings. But when she passed he sat and listened to Elton John Sacrifice over and over and it broke my heart. It was from then on I would have nightmares about passing. As everyone we have had loved ones pass. I just try and look at the good times and try and filter out the 'what if, when' and just concentrate on the now. During the first year of Covid I got a water infection and pissed blood. Until I could be seen by urology I was convinced I had cancer or what not. I was checking out my bollocks (which isn't bad) daily and the lot. I lost 5kg in weight in a month with stress. It was nothing but because its rare for blokes, especially my age to get water infections I was looking on the shit side. It's funny when people say the don't believe in god or the like. Yet at times of serious pain, they seem to pray. I was brought up a Catholic and do hold some belief still. I don't know what, but it keeps me going at certain times I suppose.
  11. Watched the Jill Dando thing on Netflix last night. I remember at the time the media all banging on about 'The girl next door' shite. I found that Michael Mansfield a very interesting chap.
  12. That pegging mug is superb 🤣 There's a lad in the office (the dipper) who keeps telling us his bird wants to peg him. So we keep leaving clothes pegs on his keyboard and monitors etc and it's really pissing him off 🤣
  13. Had Korean meatballs for tea last night They were the dogs bollocks
  14. Purpose built estate just for that. There's a brookside near me and I always chuckle when I see it. RIP Jimmy la
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