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Everything posted by wykikitoon

  1. I had to double check this wasn't a parody account.
  2. She didn't get sent off for this stamp. She's got more balls than her brother tho
  3. Aye, I like how Pep wants to be in the centre.
  4. He's in a nice apartment block in the centre of Manchester.
  5. He's always on the hunt for birds. Always commenting on birds walking around town. yet he constantly moans when we go for a beer after work that she's insecure and always checking how long he's going to be. Geeeeeeeee I wonder fucking why.
  6. Dipper at work has just been told his Mrs has fucked him off and he's fuming My retort of 'You wasn't bothered on Friday when you were steaming into that bird' didn't go down too well
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