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Everything posted by wykikitoon

  1. Trippier and Miggy to fuck theirs up. I would tell Miggy to fuck off. he should have run that ball into the corner.
  2. What would you do on minimum wage zero hour contract?
  3. Shocking challenge from Gallagher. He's fucking DOG SHIT
  4. Chelsea have won the world cup I think
  5. Trippiers fuck ups has allowed shite score goals against us this season.
  6. Miley is cool as fuck under pressure.
  7. Do you have to look like predator to play up front for Chelsea?
  8. Hes offering fuck all protection to Trippier now.
  9. I mean they would be down to 9 sooooooo maybe.
  10. This ref is a fucking dog shagger.
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