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Everything posted by wykikitoon

  1. FYP I jest. His tracking back to help out at the back will be.
  2. Anyone (I'm looking at you @Tom) know how this can be done? My sister loved a set done by the BBC and it's no longer available to stream. Although the individual bits are. I wanted to record them and then stitch them together for her. https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p08gt4vj Its all these.
  3. Aye. Its the wasted time over the hangover that gets me, But with my recent seizures anyways its a decent excuse not to
  4. I've slept with ear plugs now for about 4 years. I've got to a point now that if I forget them I cannot sleep. Last night at one point I woke up for a jimmy riddle, went to the loo and yeh the noise from the storm was mental. Just hope everyone is alright like.
  5. Re the wages. How does that work with FFP?
  6. Sky sports and Brentford making out as if he's just come back from double leg amputation
  7. https://news.sky.com/story/dog-walkers-and-pet-killed-after-being-hit-by-bmw-in-maidstone-13053097 Language in reporting is very important. This would imply two cars in a collision. But no. CUNTS
  8. Aye I think people have been caught up with the sensational headlines.
  9. Its all a bit mixed. Will be happy when the window is fucking shut
  10. Would rather Trips and Wilson went over Isak, Bruno or Botman
  11. If he stays now and its true he wants out I hope the fans dont dive on him
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