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Everything posted by wykikitoon

  1. What's @Howmanheymandoing though? That's the main question.
  2. Aye, it does concern me the lightweight of Willock though. For a bairn Miley is a strong lad.
  3. Wypoopie, being Wypoopie. Why? Because
  4. £60-70m for Nunez Daft cunts.
  5. 40-90m across. What about height and depth? Facts NASA, we need facts!
  6. Love stranger things. You'll have to let me know what it's like.
  7. @Howmanheymanyour photoshop skills are needed on this
  8. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c6276nlqj3go Fuck me
  9. It has helped the big boys stay at the top and little boys not level up.
  10. Read the book. It basically blows that out of the water.
  11. I would agree. But I also see the merits of a consistent back four. But Burn and Schar aren't spring chickens and I would have put Botman in. I don't understand why Botman has played zero minutes for the last couple of games.
  12. Corporate from Cally Wilsons box. Spending shot up as the cunt is always there.
  13. My mate is 6'7". He's 80Kg and is lean. We were in a caf in Harrogate and this fat cunt looked him up and down and said to him 'Well arent you a tall one' My mate looked at him and said 'Aye and you're fat'
  14. Arteta said he didnt see it. Fuck off. That cunt shouldnt have been on the pitch anyways.
  15. I bet that will be cool especially in that setting. We are off to watch Back to the Future musical and also the F1 exhibition. @Dr Gloom we are staying in Westminster area (I think) do you know any decent curry places?
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