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Everything posted by wykikitoon

  1. Another chalked off for em. 😂
  2. That munoz has not done one legal throw in yet. Eze has made some dog shit decisions.
  3. Mainoo having a stinker. Well. So are most of them. They're lucky some of the decision making by Palace has been shite
  4. How can Anderson complain at that 😂
  5. Mainoo fucking up there. Not a fucking word of criticism. Good job olise decision making is wank.
  6. It's Bank Holiday. He will have been eating all day.
  7. Is the palace manager wearing sleeve bands like he's on wall street 😂
  8. Looked like a foul throw but fuck it.
  9. Good for us. He's been their best CB for weeks now.
  10. Just been sent this. Size difference between BDB and AG10 is enormous
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