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Everything posted by wykikitoon

  1. No I wish we had a rail dept as they would then!
  2. No He said they can go for coffee at 69 with each other. A new trendy Coffee place in town.
  3. He's on the phone to a client and he just keeps sniffing He seems to have a cold at least once a week and usually the day after he's come in arseholed.
  4. Does cocaine if taken make you sound like you have a cold the following day? Like a blocked nose?
  5. IMO The Jocks get a result tonight and get a draw.
  6. Aye. So all work is checked. I was meaning more care of him. Is there anything we can do to help him. He's clearly an alcho imo.
  7. Aye, there was an interview with a fisherman stop on a quayside with a building behind him, with a plaque saying 'Built using EU funded money' saying 'We have the EU ever done for us apart from red tape and H&S rubbsih?'
  8. The NFU were very active in telling the farmers not to vote for it. But they all know better dont they. They know Diddley Squat........,...
  9. No. If it was then I would be having words with the main guy. I've told him several times he needs to sort himself out, but it's ignored. The main dept manager knows he likes a beer but has said on several occasion's that if it's not effecting his work what goes on in his private time isn't up to us. Personally I don't know how coming into work hanging out of your arse or half cut isn't having an effect on his work and I think we also have a certain degree of care.
  10. Plus looking at recent interviews, he loves that day to day stuff. Whereas Southgate prefers walks around Swinsty res and doing paint by numbers.
  11. Aye I totally agree. He is well bought into our project and I just can't see him jumping ship.
  12. Fuck knows. A gaffer that doesn't sit in our room and seems detached?
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