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Everything posted by wykikitoon

  1. What a fucking shit choice. He's not a fucking midfielder. Micah Richards sucking it off as normal. You could put Hitler in there and that cunt would think it's a great idea.
  2. Dull As Fuck Football under this cunt.
  3. Fuck me. TAA isn't a midfielder.
  4. I think that's a thing. People vote Tory as that's where they see themselves. I know a lad who is clueless when it comes to politics, but votes Tory because that's where he sees himself socially.
  5. Once saw him drop a bag of coke (well assumed it was that) in Pitcher and Piano in Leeds. Bouncer saw him so stuffed a wad of cash in his pocket
  6. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8KsgQASS6y/?igsh=dWJpM3Flc29kOTFl 😂
  7. Cavendish is to be knighted. I fucking loathe the establishment and tbh if I was a sportsman I would politely decline any honour. Cav is a fucking beast and has given me so many great memories. He's a legend. But Sinfield?
  8. Some quality goals tonight. Germany scoring all. 6 too 😂
  9. Grant Hanley. I forgot about him!
  10. Micah Richards chose the Jock keeper over Pickford. Imo Id rather have TRex.
  11. Make sure your eaves are clear of insulation too. So it can breathe
  12. Andy Robertson might as well be off the pitch. He's fucking shite.
  13. Just heard this one. No Income Tax, No VAT, No Money Back, No Sky TV
  14. I've seen a lot of moaning about taxing people. Am I being stupid, or to have functioning public services we need to be taxed. The taxes need to come from the right area's. For years the rich have had it well fucking easy IMO and its about time they got taxed correctly, especially the uber wealthy. It always makes me angry when I go to Europe and see clean streets etc. Angry because that's what we want and it's what we all want. Clean, well maintained infrastructure. On my commute to Harrogate you can't see street signage because they're either fucking filthy or overgrown with vegetation. In some area's you can't see the fucking pavement because of overgrown vegetation. The outer ring road of Leeds flooded a month or so back because of heavy downpours. It was shut for a day as they had to pump out the water. All because of years of lack of maintenance. You can't see the kerb because they haven't been swept in years and the gullies are full of shit. I know I have ranted about this before, but that's IMO not LCC fault due to over a decade of Tory cuts. Is sweeping the road a priority over say keeping an old peoples home open? But then they sub-contract a load of highways stuff out to rich cunt private firms how sit back and count their brass. It fucking boils my piss. If you want a proper functioning society, it needs to be paid for by someone and that's through taxes. Yet it seems like entitled rich cunts thinks Barbara who works two jobs to make ends meets should be the ones paying for it and not them. My wife and I are lucky to be in well paid jobs and I am happy to pay my way. IMO It's how it should be!
  15. But he will probably go for £20m
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