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Everything posted by wykikitoon

  1. It's only his beer fridge, chill!
  2. That door seal is minging Found where E-Coli started
  3. Listened to a bit on R4 this morning and they were talking about saying its a Nixon moment and think he will be gone. Likewise they said its looking better for the French.
  4. Morley is a fucking SHIT HEAP
  5. 37? Fuck me, his paper round must have been the full British Isles
  6. Sprint on Netflix is a canny watch. Looking forward to the Olympics soon.
  7. He's a superb keeper just coming into his prime, surely he has at least 3 years left here before he even thinks about going there.
  8. Not been Tory since the 90s I think. Should stay Labour.
  9. Just looks like someone on their knees rather than taking the knee. Too small, but you've heard that a lot I suppose
  10. I was scrolling up from the bottom and so saw the picture of the game first. At first look thats I didnt realise that was a projector. Cracking picture.
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