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Everything posted by wykikitoon

  1. I do hope we get him, along with Mr Owen
  2. Aye, UEFA will prolly let it stand too!
  3. Steve will look after you, do you like toffees?
  4. I think its aready been said, the police need to be on their toes and be seen doing stuff pronto rather than stand around, this reassures the public. Id rather them be out and about than stuck in doin paper work. The media of course are blowing a lot up (no pun intended) and making people a bit nervous. As for the people in Oz, I cant really comment, but what would you want your forces do? Sit around "Its only a blow gasket" *tick,tick,tick* **BOOM** So Steve, chill out marra /me wubs you been here
  5. Either that or its a scam Not thanks for me, sorry
  6. Id bang it one, but then again thats not saying much *sigh*
  7. Oh aye, I would deffo bang her That her from TV then :S
  8. Hmmm Tough one, it has to be 40 Days and 40 Nights I know bird film, ill get me coat
  9. Why is everyone wanking over Gerrards amount of goals? Look at the opposition FFS. Although Liverpool do look rather organised FFS the media stop wanking!
  10. I have just listened to TalkSport on the way home from work, all they doi is aim shite at us, it fucking does my head in!
  11. I cant see Sven "I would bum Beckham, Owen, Rooney and Gerrard" Erricsson dropping Owen tbh.
  12. Roundhay Park Leeds, down the road from me Work although it not bowling anymore The Local Boozer When At Work
  13. Any wank pot that has been on Big "I have attention disorder" Brother, or them celebrity shite things. the main one though Oh I am dead *dons tin hat and runs* /edit change pic
  14. nah that one with the dark hair and massive gob, but aye pat clement is one BEAST!
  15. There's one slight hope of this happening. Shearer and Owen are good friends - perhaps Owen would like the chance to play alongside Shearer just for one season? 6526[/snapback] I was thinking that, but Wor Al would take all his money off him with gambling I think your right, if Al could have a chat in his shell like, but still, wont happen
  16. Whos that fat mess from Eastenders who is going for Shane Richie all the time?
  17. Hehe we once sent the office junior for a Draughtsmans Licence Class Youll love it marra, get ready for lots of coffee making
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