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Everything posted by wykikitoon

  1. Will be the same issue as Fraser. High wages and not willing to drop em, In a way can you blame em? It's their contract.
  2. IMO Road Racing / TT shouldn't be in the Olympics. It's not the pinnacle of the sport. The Tour De France and the world champs is. Mountain bike, that's a little different. The World Cup is big and then throw in the Worlds. But other than that it doesn't have the stuff like Tour etc. So the pinnacle is the World Cup / Worlds. The Olympics is on par with the Worlds.
  3. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C-An47ko4xB/?igsh=MWdyZTZ4MDdoODVubQ==
  4. So do we still have to keep feeling sorry for him?
  5. Dirty French cunts booing him FUCK YOU
  6. Lets see your birds massive tits now
  8. Pidcock has to be chuffed with a medal
  9. Koretzky had an easier ride in some ways.
  10. There;s one climb that he's pushed on a couple of times before, I think he will go then.
  11. Evie Rochards there She Loooooooooooooooooves Tom
  12. Next uphill he will go again
  13. Fuck me, my HR is through the roof.
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