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Everything posted by wykikitoon

  1. A lad I work with is from Boro. We were talking about this the other day. He joined the Navy when he first left school to see some of the world and get a trade and planned to get a job in one of the plants when he finished. When he finished they were all shutting down and no fucking jobs.
  2. https://www.instagram.com/p/C-QmdNnI1W8/?igsh=MXZla3dmcGRxMXVtMw==
  3. I mean his style. It's gopping. His head is all around everywhere.
  4. Wow. What a final 40m by Lyles
  5. Since when did dope smoking snoop Dawg become such an athletics fan? 😂
  6. Nuguse looks like Semmi from coming to America 😂
  7. It's like 8 metronome on the start line 😂
  8. Noooo reekie out 😢 and Gill too.
  9. Hinchliffe is an awful runner
  10. Arse has dropped out and account deleted. CUNT
  11. Whata finish to the womens RR
  12. Great to see two sisters from Afghanistan in the break of the Women's road race.
  13. I wonder when we will see some outgoings? Dubs? Trippier - Looks like Saudi? Wilson? - Doubt it now, think he will last one more season? Targett Miggy - Possible Saudi? Ashby - Loan? Kuol - Loan? Hayden Fraser Lewis - Looks like he may get a few more weeks grace judging by Howe's comments.
  14. I did have a Garmin Forerunner 735XT. Lasted a good 4 years but then the battery started to die quickly. I got a Suunto Vertical in Jan. Very impressed with it.
  15. Surely the horse should be getting the medal?
  16. You're getting dragged into it as someone is a fucking gimp. Ignore feature is your friend.
  17. Maguire had just won the league with Leicester tbf to him
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