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Everything posted by wykikitoon

  1. wykikitoon


    Why is he a camel humper? also No, apparently tearing up a Mc Donalds because you don't want to be served by a "fucking Paki" isn't classed as a racist offence. Thats not the reason why he was in court and he ripped McDonalds up because of some people in McD's not the workers. The alleged comment which emerged during his court appearance was "I don't want to be served by no Paki" in reference to one of the members of staff in the McDonald's iirc. If thats so I stand corrected, I thought he was in court for allegedly hitting the asain chap (cant remember his name) /Edit found it:- Sarfraz Najeib /Edit again, found the McD's incident here:- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lee_Bowyer
  2. wykikitoon


    Why is he a camel humper? also No, apparently tearing up a Mc Donalds because you don't want to be served by a "fucking Paki" isn't classed as a racist offence. Thats not the reason why he was in court and he ripped McDonalds up because of some people in McD's not the workers.
  3. Where are the Citech fans when you want them. They were laughing when we signed him this season, been great for us so far, well done Le Sib.
  4. Bramble was solid, well played son. Good game.
  5. 1. Need a wee 2. Need to change my contact lense I have had in for 3 weeks but cba 3. Looking foward to playing footy 4. Want to leave now. 5. Need to call my solicitor but am scared!
  6. I got mine done when I was 17, I wish I hadnt now tbh, luckly I did have some sense and got them high on my arm so you only see them when I dont have a top on.
  7. Aye marra Would be a bit off skiving straight away hehe
  8. Does she have some kind of speech impediment? Or just a potato fetish? I'm typing with one hand because the other is cradling the last bit of scran as if it was the infant son of God. GF has swiped the Communion wafers. He's finally hit rock bottom. and wiki... what's "knocking Tom"? Knocking Tommorow, IE Skiving, not coming into work, pretending to be sick
  9. 1) Just had a reduced offer on a house agreed and they want it complete within 2 weeks 2) Buzzing my tits off over it 3) Thinking of knocking tom as I hate my boss 4) Wishing I was biking in the Dales 5) Off to Lunch
  10. Aye its a bit sad that some of the world still live in the dark ages, pouring chicken blood over him etc etc
  11. For what he did for us whilst a player I think not Although I agree it is a tad early You just need to look at Souness and Liverpool/ Hoddle and Spurs to see how being a great player but a poor manager can turn feelings sour. Fickle fans, as we all are I suppoe, but aye, youre right!
  12. For what he did for us whilst a player I think not Although I agree it is a tad early
  13. Obviously not Must be a grand feeling smashing one in the net and hearing the roar of the Gallowgate or Leazes (or any other stand tbh)
  14. Why is a flemish team's website in dutch? I was gonna ask the question but thought against it, knew someone was gonna pick it up
  15. Derry has come out in tonight Yorks Evening Post and fully denied and and said it was another member of the squad having a chat thats all with an international team mate. Not giving any tactics away etc
  16. Not sure I agree there like, how can you trust a player who tells your opponents vital info? its tantamount to cheating or attempting to throw a game. They knew Thompson wasnt playing due to injury and thats all that was apparently confirmed. Not the same as throwing a game is it?
  17. About a young bairn from Uganda with a problem with his skull growing wrongly and killing him. Got took to the US and sergeons are helping him. Wow these guys are mirical workers, absolute genius, well done
  18. That's the name I'd heard too, ex Palace. Its Gary Kelly apparently, I can beleive this as they want him off the wage bill, at 36k a week its quite convincing! I have also heard Derry too.
  19. Its a joke if the guy never plays for them again.
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