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Everything posted by wykikitoon

  1. What a gorgeous morning, went biking this morning around the Harewood / Adel area of Leeds. Gorgeous morning, sheep with lambs, people walking, people biking, fresh air, great sun. BIG GRINS It smelt of spring and the views were immense, who needs to spend thousands to go away on days like this? What did you do today?
  2. I cant stand wankers who dont move over when they can when you are coming off a slip road. slow drivers when its dangerously slow. people who dont indicate or people who do and move out straight away rather than waiting to see if it is ok to do so.
  3. Crap from both IMO, but aye no cuttiing edge or positive play from Blackburn
  4. They alwas have a very loving hug whilst Henry whispers sweet nothings into Walcotts ear. Prolly saying "You are shite, why are you in the team?"
  5. Surley bearsdley has the number 8? Agree with the man ure players so far. 18 ScholeS?
  6. Aye it should have stopped seasons ago if we beleive the shite the FA tell us.
  7. I think we should renew, good pro and squad player especially to help guide the youngsters.
  8. wykikitoon


    Agreed. You sad fucking wanker, people like you make me puke, what the fuck is a racist anywhere, get real and stand your ground as a whitey or fuck right off,
  9. They should try and take it on the chin, screaming and shouting aint gonna change the ref's mind is it? They are paid vast sums of money and should set a good example to the thousands of kids & adults that look upto them. 95% of other sports do it. Imagine if tennis players screamed out like footballers?
  10. i though he shouted Fucking Wank! and it was very loud! Definatley no fucking way, it wasnt out too but we cant have players shouting stuff like that when so many kids are watching football today.
  11. Did he sink into the turf or something? Dissent
  12. If the ref's did the job properly, players wouldn't swear at them. Both wrong decisions, both times, the referee/linesman, deserves an earful. It happens in both codes of Rugby and other sports, they are only human and the game is played at such a pace nowadays. I suppose its the consistancy, although he was consistant with the descent and not tackles etc etc.
  13. wykikitoon


    Why is he a camel humper? A while back someone changed his Wikipedia to say Camel humping wife-beater, I just thought it was catchy, I'm not actually making any serious allegations of animal abuse. No, apparently tearing up a Mc Donalds because you don't want to be served by a "fucking Paki" isn't classed as a racist offence. Thats not the reason why he was in court and he ripped McDonalds up because of some people in McD's not the workers. As has already been explained I was referring to the incident at just after he signed for Leeds as detailed below. Class, so Wikipedia were onto it like a flash I guess. Aye, I totally forgot about the McD's incident.
  14. Last night the commentators were going mental at the ref and some of his bookings, I however applaud him on the booking for descent. Milner who you could clearly hear on TV shouting "No fucking way" at him even though it was the wrong decision, Martins acting like a mad man at another etc etc all IMO should be booked. Its about time the ref's in this country started to stamp down on this childish behaviour from highly paid "pros" Yay or Nay?
  15. Last night I thought he did try v hard but was struggling to hold the ball up. This however didnt stop him from trying and well done to him for stepping up to score the pen!
  16. wykikitoon


    Why is he a camel humper? also No, apparently tearing up a Mc Donalds because you don't want to be served by a "fucking Paki" isn't classed as a racist offence. Thats not the reason why he was in court and he ripped McDonalds up because of some people in McD's not the workers. The alleged comment which emerged during his court appearance was "I don't want to be served by no Paki" in reference to one of the members of staff in the McDonald's iirc. If thats so I stand corrected, I thought he was in court for allegedly hitting the asain chap (cant remember his name) /Edit found it:- Sarfraz Najeib /Edit again, found the McD's incident here:- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lee_Bowyer
  17. wykikitoon


    Why is he a camel humper? also No, apparently tearing up a Mc Donalds because you don't want to be served by a "fucking Paki" isn't classed as a racist offence. Thats not the reason why he was in court and he ripped McDonalds up because of some people in McD's not the workers.
  18. Where are the Citech fans when you want them. They were laughing when we signed him this season, been great for us so far, well done Le Sib.
  19. Bramble was solid, well played son. Good game.
  20. 1. Need a wee 2. Need to change my contact lense I have had in for 3 weeks but cba 3. Looking foward to playing footy 4. Want to leave now. 5. Need to call my solicitor but am scared!
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