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Everything posted by wykikitoon

  1. Its a fucking joke letting any of the Royals in the forces for this exact reason. The lass that passed out with Wills, she goes to Iraq and dies whilst he gets pissed here, so why fucking join? They get paid to do fuck all because they are such a high security risk!
  2. So you spent a load of tax payers money on some pissed up bloke who sent for a swim
  3. Yes, BUT Buy a camcorder. Well yes, that is an option but I thought there would be some converting available without resorting to buying a camcorder
  4. Whelan is a wanker tbh, stick to your RL (and youre shite at that with your crap attendances) you Pie Eating wankers!
  5. The Goonies "Good enough, for you its, good enough, for me its goooooood enough, good enough for me yeh yeh yeh yeh. Goonies" Class!
  6. Hopefully Allerdyce wont sign either! Too old an too slow IMO. Campbell has done great at Pompey this season but doubt he could continue at the rate again?
  7. Might have a movie marathon then and get some goodies in
  8. Right what film shall I watch on Sat night? Seven Jackie Brown True Romance or Other?
  9. He looks about 12 in some of them He scored a fair few against us too
  10. Dont Happy Face will think youre picking on poor Glen, didnt you know we dominated the match?
  11. Fair enough about the Peados etc etc Walk them to school then? GIVE THE FAT LAZY SUGARD UP SHITS SOME EXERCISE!
  12. Litter Dog Shit Lazy Twat parents giving their kids lifts to school Wykikitoon moaning Liverpool & Chelsea fans outside of Liverpool and Chelsea
  13. I had no choice as my parents didnt drive. Yeh there a few freaks about now but I would guess 90% of the kids at this certain school live less than a mile away, which means the parents can go with them? Lazy twats, the world is just getting lazier IMO
  14. I do mine at least once a fortnight, depends if Ive been on site, walking into the cabins etc then its more.
  15. I am sick of fecking kids nowaydays getting lifts into school by their lazy bloody parents. It causes congestion and then the stupid mothers (or sometimes fathers) stand around gassing about what tv programme they will be watching, resulting in shit parked cars which in turn equals traffic build up! FUCKING WALK YOU LAZY TWATS!!!
  16. Milner, mainly because he has tried hard and been pretty consistant, but also because of the way he has conducted himself after been tossed about at the start of the season.
  17. As much as I hate the plastic scousers in the office Liverpool is an awesome example of how to run a club and how to manage players and tactics etc OK Glenn you cock?
  18. Gutted, oh well, I cant wait to see the plaggy scousers tom morning
  19. Aye, I thought the same thing. That picture speaks a thousand words, although to be fair to Pearson, he was probably in a coma from Roeder's halftime team talk.
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