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Everything posted by wykikitoon

  1. I can only assume you're living in an old house Fish with that issue or the Architrave is fucking structural or summit Like you say, get a joiner to sort it, will be reyt.
  2. I don't know why, but I love Gemmills random capitalisation of certain WORDS
  3. Summerville hmmmmm maybe, but I think Miggy's workrate out does his and yeh Miggy's attack breakdown is annoying but Summerville hardly set the world on fire at Leeds in the Prem.
  4. Like ewerk says, unless you're in a rush refuse and leave it at that.
  5. Brother in law is on holiday at the moment. I dropped him a message this morning asking how it was going. He replied with some pics of my nephews and saying it was decent 'but you know me, I had to complain' (He's not even my blood either So I asked why. 'They put us in a room with a sea view but it was ground floor' 'Did you pay for sea view?' 'No but thats not the point' 'Could you see the sea?' 'Yeh' 'So why complain' 'Well its better higher up'
  6. Can someone revoke that CUNTS search function ewerk searching ✅
  7. So this morning I wake up and I've got a WhatsApp from an old colleague. Basically a company I left 6 years ago are asking if I would be interested in me going back as they're snowed under and need someone of my level. I left on decent terms with the gaffers, but I left because of a couple of things. One was that the fact they had got a lad of bairns in to do work that was above them and us senior lads had no time to train them. I am told that its a lot more balanced there now. The current company I am at, I have a tonne of respect for the main MD and gaffer, We get on really well, but engineers are dog shit managers on the whole There's a couple of issues in the office and since I started we have lost over 50% of the workforce. One guy left to set up on his own and took two of the lads, but others have left as they can't take it that certain things aren't resolved. I mentioned in a previous post that I am now at the stage I just cba. Come in do my hours and just don't get involved in the political shit. I try and bring on the younger lads, like the Bin Dipper but if they don't want to learn, that's on them, I am not losing a nights sleep over it. There's one absolute piss taker and he's rubbing people up the wrong way with his piss taking and in a small office that's causing issues. The offer to go back is v tempting. Its closer to home, the work they're doing is very interesting compared to some of the stuff I am working on now. They have expanded well. I met up with a few last month after I found out an ex colleague had passed and the social side of the company is miles better to what we have here Not that that's a deal breaker for me. But here we have had one night out this year and I organised it. The gaffers are just too blinkered to see that them making an effort of a pint or pizza or whatever out as a team would go a huge way to boosting morale. I feel I am punished here at the moment too. Because I can get work out quick (despite being on here ) I am given shit jobs with short turn around times. Where the ones who take their time get some real decent jobs. One lad is working on a job he's not suited to and it would be perfect for me, but because it's got a long turn around he's on it. We will end up making fuck all brass on that as a result. Would you go back? I have always said you leave somewhere for a reason. But meeting a mate a few months back, who's now on the main Director team there now was telling me how it's changed a lot and it sounded for the positive. Anyways, welcome to Friday, now lets get the butties in!
  8. Fucking Johnson pronunciation of Dominican then 😂
  9. I will not miss hearing the word 'Repechage' that's for sure.
  10. WOW!!! What a 400mm hurdles final!
  11. Johnson defending him with his rose tinted USA glasses on 'I dont know the protocol now' Later on 'Covid is such a dangerous disease' Aye, but lets not criticise your man though yeh?
  12. Come on Femke! This French lass btw looks like a librarian with her glasses
  13. Wasn't this before his Covid positive? Wasn't that on his relay?
  14. 'Press the square where the willy is'
  15. Surprised you didnt find a post I did 64 years ago about it 🙄 That Javelin throw btw. WOW
  16. Tbh I wasn't watching that 😂
  17. Oh apparently he's got Covid. But he's still beat 5 others and been in warm up mixing without a mask. I'm calling Bull shit.
  18. They're seriously beliving he's ill when he's just picked up 3rd 😂
  19. Fuck off Lyles. Comes out dick swinging. Has his arse handed to him and gets taken off in a wheel chair. That ADHD medication needs to be upped along with the asthma and all the other fucking shit you're on.
  20. How do you like them Lemons Noah?
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