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Everything posted by wykikitoon

  1. Can the Admins ban this cunt? Why continually come on here and stir shit you fucking complete waste of a fucking human skull!
  2. I think Spain have got it this year.
  3. Totally agree. I have a keen interest in military history. I think I have seen the programme you mentioned, it was a while ago but very very good
  4. A Special moment in the Peak District today. Me girlfriends parents have been to watch the last remaining Lancaster bomber flying over Ladybower Res today. Gutted I couldnt of gone More info on the BBC webby Awesome.
  5. Precisely what I was thinking... As an aside, Torres take note - this is how you should be conducting yourself on a forum dedicated to a rival club. Spot on Craig, well said marra
  6. And you are mocking people on RTG for being a bit deluded? Power mad. Im saying it's not impossible. Check my first post for the best indication. Yes, you'd better stopped posting after this. It's more interesting when you post about gardening to be honest. Uphill type
  7. Would love him but more chance of platting fog IMO
  8. wykikitoon


    Keep it to a page and a half max. Fill it with what you can do and plant plenty of the keywords of the job advert in it (that is a really good tip!) Don`t include your hobbies because no one gives a fuck. This is prob why all scousers are unemployed Even when formatted to hell, my qualifications and skills are apporx 3/4 of a page. I put my hobbies as people are interested in my experiance. I work in a specific field so my employment history and experiance is important, so at the moment I have it on two and a half pages, I cant get it any smaller. Using a spell check is always advisable anarl
  9. Some proper brover loving going on there
  10. Man the state they left the place in, IMO Greater Manchester CC should be sending a huge bill upto Glasgi Rangers for the clean up.
  11. wykikitoon


    Yeh I know one copntract lad who has similar. He is a contract lad who moves a lot "due to tax etc" thats what he says. The real reason, he gets small contracts because people look at his CV and think "shite, why does he move loads!" and after 3 months they know why. He's gash
  12. wykikitoon


    Keep it to a page and a half max. Fill it with what you can do and plant plenty of the keywords of the job advert in it (that is a really good tip!) Don`t include your hobbies because no one gives a fuck. This is prob why all scousers are unemployed Even when formatted to hell, my qualifications and skills are apporx 3/4 of a page. I put my hobbies as people are interested in my experiance. I work in a specific field so my employment history and experiance is important, so at the moment I have it on two and a half pages, I cant get it any smaller.
  13. Well buzzing with the Leeds result last night
  14. Aye. That was when Tosser wasnt here tho Jimbo was around I seem to recall......
  15. Spy on princess lea taking a bath on the death star durrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
  16. Aye. That was when Tosser wasnt here tho
  17. wykikitoon


    Cheers Just tryong that personal statement Its fecking solid
  18. wykikitoon


    Aye I am working on mine at the moment, its quite tough.
  19. wykikitoon


    Hi Guys I am just updating my CV. The CV I have at the moment hasnt been a problem in the past it got me 4 interviews last year. Anyways I am thinking I am getting to the age now that they dont really need to know my school grades and are more interested in what I can do professionally. Anyways, below is what the format I have at the moment. Personal Details Further Education School Training Skills Hobbies & Interests Employment History Now, I am thinking I should be going for the following: Personal Details Employment History Skills Training Education Hobbies & Interests What you think?
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