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Everything posted by wykikitoon

  1. That tosser is loving this on Soccer Saturday twat!
  2. All the awesome movies! HF you should know about these man!
  3. Younguns. Key lesson. Never ever back for or against teams who are less than 1/3 that you know fuck all about, ever, ever, golden rule. How old are you Stevie?
  4. How shite were Liverpoo? I saw the last 15mintues and they were gash!
  5. Aye thats what it was on my last wage slip
  6. The basics are simple, go into it in any detail and its a fooker
  7. Sweet cheers Pud. So, the fact I have filled out and sent off a P46 doesnt mean fuck all? I am still waiting for my P45 from my previous employee. Also, the working out of my wage per day. Is it as simple as taking what I earn per week after tax and dividing it by 5?
  8. Some people have got far to much time on their hands (see what i done there)
  9. I bet this bender set the script up for yesterdays TalkShite!
  10. Cheers Leazes I did fill out a P46, should I still be paying emergancy tax?
  11. BTW Jimbo, heard your email read out on Talkshite this aft
  12. Right a couple of questions for you. I have changed companies and as I havent yet got my P45 from my previous company, so prior to getting paid where I am now I filled out a P46. Just looking through my wage slip I havent got a tax code on, is this normal Secondly. Is there an easy way of working out what you earn a day? I have found a website (Edit:=yr&vw[]=mth&vw[]=wk]here (btw I dont earn that much ) that does it into weekly including tax deductions, however I cant find one that does weekly. As I only work Mon - Fri, how would my wage be calculated? Will it be prorotaed (sp) for Sun - SUn or is it as simple as getting the figure I have from the webby and dividing it by 5? I have headache
  13. Its still very very early days, but with the wafer thin squad, the boardroom ramblings and the state of our rudderless ship, can we get relegated? In Jan if things arent resolved I can see several players looking to leave. Given Martins Owen Thats to name just 3 people I wouldnt want to see go.
  14. Aye! I like how the spoke to some sensible people too!
  15. Slag Hope someone with aids bangs the fuck out of her arse and splits her in two
  16. Well if they take over we will be owned by a company called DIC, suits what we have in charge now!
  17. I'll be honest, I quite liked that one Ill be honest. I dont get em
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