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Everything posted by wykikitoon

  1. Sent my CV to our offices in Austrilasia and the US just now
  2. Well aye lol I am looking at what to do now. Obviously lots to sort out first, house etc and then I think its time to look for a fresh start. We have offices all over the Globe, but the pull of Newcastle and Manchester is strong!
  3. It was an error aye, but its everything else. I feel awrful and I have a thing in the back of my head thats saying "Is this the right decision" but I think thats just natural? Isnt it?
  4. What a fat fucker that Spurs fan is lol
  5. I cringe when I hear the Yorkshire chavs etc on TV. It was awrful when the kid from Dewsbury went missing!
  6. Last i heard you had done fuck all wrong. Oh well she sounded fucking mental anyway. May I recommend that you get yourself down the nearest student union and get yourself some younger model. Well, if you consider going out with a girl for a few drinks not guilty well yes, but the intent was there from my point of view. Anyways, thanks for everyones point
  7. Mine mate She took it quite well like. Too much guilt on me and if I am honest, the moment I started seeing this bird I knew it was over.
  8. Well, chatted tonight I am single. Shit I know but I think its for the best. Now to sort the house out
  9. Scouse accent is bad full stop, they sound (and are) thick as fuck!
  10. 1. Brummie 2. Scouse 3. Dorest 4. Norfolk 5. Cockneys
  11. An update I went home last night and had a chat with her. She has seemed to of changed her tune and now has realised she has now got to take some blame for the problems the relationship had. Not what I did like but the problems. She has basically taken me for granted and the main thing i.e lack of sex has built up and done me in. She said broke down several time and said that she knew she was driving me away. S he said I have scared her with what I have done too. If she knew she was driving me away, well what the fuck did she do to stop it? Last year for our anniversary I paid for us to go away to Alnwick for the weekend. It was in the middle of us doing the house up so I thought nice break, nice bit of nookie. NO chance. I didnt get thanked for taking her up there!!! I felt so sorry for her when she was crying but at the same time I could of easily walked away. I am still at a loose end and I dont know what the fuck to do I am meeting a mate tonight to have a chat with him.
  12. "Hey fuck you, fuck you too" "Yeh" "Mary, I desperatley wanna make love to a school boy"
  13. Business in trying to make money shock! Really successful business is making lots of money selling people things they don't need. If you're really good you can sell them the same thing twice. You don't want it then don't buy it. As you well know there are alternatives available. Aye, if you dont need it yet youre dim enough to buy it then youre the ones lining Gates and Co's pockets.
  14. You should have stopped wiping your arse when this started. "Find any spunk stains love? What's that? A foot long streak of shit, you say?"
  15. Well went home tonight to get some stuff, she has wrote me a letter. Anyways, she was there and a little calmer. She broke down in tears again saying she loved me etc. Now, this is the bit I find hard. She says she does, well why doesnt she listen to me that I am not happy with XYZ and try and help me? Instead she heaps blame onto me!
  16. I thought that. My gfriend (well soon to be ex IMO) is good looking a cracking body etc etc so ive prob been too soft.
  17. Have it you mef! w0000000t
  18. Aye, just think of the Derby games last season;
  19. I have a feeling were going to win this. Barton has to graft like fuck and get the fans back on his side. With jonas back too its all good. 3-0 Barton scoring the first
  20. Indeed Alex mate Thanks all for the kind and not so kind words and also for making me laugh at the same time. Yes Ive let her walk all over me at times, well a lot of the time. Its a tough one I am afraid.
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