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Everything posted by wykikitoon

  1. too right,she obviously doesn't give a shit about all the extra advertising revenue she could have earned as an olympic gold medal winner. conversly all the cyclists,rebecca adlington etc only tried so hard as it is their only shot at the limelight hence only chance to make a bit of cash with endorsments etc. She is already an advertisers wet dream though? How much more will she make winning gold? Not a lot I would think. I sort of get what youre saying about the cycling. Yes the audiance is massive compared to the World Cycle games, the world biking world cups etc, but for these the Olympics ISNT the top of their sport! It is for media coverage etc, but sponsership etc, not.
  2. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/7708398.stm Aye Laz, I couldnt read most of that, I was in tears. What is wrong with some people?
  3. Some fucking EVIL EVIL bastards in this world.
  4. From BBC Webby Why dont they put more pressure on a.) people drinking sensibly or b.) bar staff continuing to serve people who are shit faced?
  5. Got told the same, hurt like fuck they lying twat!
  6. We had a league at school, was pretty neat Bought a set a few years back from eGay, totally lost the apeal, played for 20mins, then went to the pub
  7. Its a turn off on the A1 doesnt show the junction number
  8. Anyone know any online maps, i.e google maps, multimap that show motorway junction numbers?
  9. Im disgusted how this isnt advertised as much as it should be. Not enough poppies on show, I always buy at least two. Ill be watching the marches in Leeds ans supporting it as always.
  10. Legend Wrote some cracking books. RIP
  11. Legend I can never ever disagree with you regarding this matter Rob!
  12. wykikitoon

    The Sun

    Awesome, thats truley awesome!
  13. Suggestion, it would be me paying for it like. Another reason why she isnt goint away to the weekend away with her mates, I pay for a lot of the booze. Sounds like she's taking the piss a bit. If I were you I'd say nothing's booked so let's make it the week after. If she's got something arranged for that weekend she shouldn't mind putting that off as it's no different to what she's expecting you to do. To be honest she sounds like she's being very manipulative. She wants you back so she can continue to have you paying for her weekends away etc. but she isn't prepared to compromise/make the changes to set things straight. Obviously we're only getting your side here, although that doesn't mean you aren't being honest of course. Would you both consider following Spongebob's advice and getting some relationship counselling btw? I know it might sound a bit weird but I honestly think you both need some independent mediation, if indeed you are both willing to work at the relationship / think it is worth salvaging. Ive mentioned counselling. Ive had it before and found it useful, although for different reasons. I have a niggling thing in the back of my mind, she wants to stay with me so she can have a house etc. If I leave her she has to move back to her parents, its something thats niggled me for a while tbh. Without someone else she couldnt afford a nice house etc. Ive said lets move it to X week, her answer "I cant miss two weeks of hockey or ill get dropped down a team" So, I think thats my answer! See you later!
  14. Suggestion, it would be me paying for it like. Another reason why she isnt goint away to the weekend away with her mates, I pay for a lot of the booze.
  15. They always do... My point was though, is her Dad really going to give a fuck about the intricate details of his daughter's love life? He shouldn't...... Well not to a point, I wanted him to know why I was leaving and not the bullshite she told him!
  16. Aye, I didnt put it into them terms and you know what he said? "Well youre a young lad, Im suprised youve lasted that long, youre no monk"
  17. We were supposed to go away on the 14th to 16th on this weeeknd with her mates. Ive never really enjoyed it but gone just to get away and have a laugh. Anyways, I told her I wasnt going, now she says she is so lets go away to the lakes? Errr no, Ive re-arranged my mates weekend away to just one night out in Leeds. Then, I get the fucking 3rd degree from her parents. Craig, I basically met with her father to give him my side of the story, Im glad I did as she seemed to "miss" quite a large chunk of stuff out. She just doesnt like been told otherwise, its all her fucking way, no give or fucking take at all!
  18. Ive just listened to Obamahs speech, man it sent goosebumps through me!
  19. Right, a little update. I finished the bird on Thursday. Fri went out with my mate and didnt feel great, was still thinking, "Is this the right thing". Anyways, Saturday I was thinking most of the day, no its not. If she and I were having regular sex and we both worked on XYZ it would be better. Anyways, I get along with her parents well, so I decided I would meet her Dad on Siunday and have a chat. Sunday came, went to the pub and I have him my side of the story. He didnt know about the bedroom dept and said that its not healthy in a relationship to have no sex like that. I told him other issues he said we needed to talk. Ive basically told him Ive talked until were blue in the face. So, Sunday afternoon, I texted her and asked if we could meet. I told her I was having second thoughts and if she is willing to give me another chance then ill give her another. Anyhow, we had a good night, went for a drive, some pizza and even had a kiss and cuddle Monday, I went back home (been staying at my mates) We had a good night and had a session I went to sleep well and its the best sleep ive had in weeks. Anyhow, goes to work, all good, we email each othera couple of times. I then got an email this afternoon "How about next weekend we goto the Lakes" Thats all fair but Ive already organised a night out with my mate. Now, before anyone jumps on me and says "A relationship on the line is more important" She knew about this and it was a re-arranged one because I originally was meant to be going to Manchester on my mates Bday and she didnt want me to go!! So I basically said, its X's Bday, Ive re-arranged it already what am I supposed to do? Anyhow, got an email back "Will discuss tonight" So basically she was pissed off. So, gets home tonight, waiting for her to come home. Then gets a text off her old man. "You two need to urgently come round to ours,your going to send X and I to an early grave" So I called her and asked wtf was going on. She replied with "Im still worried about a few things" Anyways, goto her parents, shes not there yet, we talk about what theyve done etc then she comes in. Her old man says along the lines of "RIght. you two need to organise yourselves, were sick of it and you either work it out or if you wanna be single, to put it bluntyly fuck off" So then she says "I feel Ive got to arrange my weeeknds etc around your mates" Shes know this for 3 - 4 weeks now! So I explained that Ive re-arranged my weekends for hockey for 3 fucking years. Her mother said "Well when you first started going out with her you knew about this" Yes, and have I moaned once? NO have I fuck! So we gets home, my piss is boiling and she says she is insecure at the moment. What the fuck do I do? She has NEVER re-arranged one of her do's for us, I know these circumstances are a little different but ive already cancelled a full weekend away for her. I feel like Im going out with a 11 year old who keeps crying to her parents for fuck sake. Anyways, she is out now with her SINGLE mate at the pub on a mountaineering club night so she can "Meet like minded people, weve been meaning to do this for years" Well, if you join that, Ill never fucking see you will I? I suppose thats my fucking fault? Sorry to bore you all but what the fuck can I do? Can I fucking win? She says she loves me and we can work it out but can we?
  20. WTF is Rob W man? Must be on holiday!
  21. Jimbo man, youve got way too much time on your hands
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