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Everything posted by wykikitoon

  1. @Ayatollah Hermionesort the date out wor kid
  2. New season same old sycophantic wanking
  3. So hence why we should be strengthening now? Rather than waiting?
  4. Agreed. I think people seem blinded by the RW option. VVD wasn't smashing down doors when he first went to Liverpool and took a year or so to settle.
  5. Thought Leno saved Fulham tbh. Man Utd had chances but rat boy couldn't finish his tea and casemiro is a fat cunt. They, as per got all the calls and 50/50s but it was nice to see Mungo getting a yellow for diving the thick cunt
  6. All the pundits saying they'll finish top 4 too.
  7. Time team should have been booked for a dive then
  8. Fuck me. RAT BOY has carried on being a. Knacker. Mungo booked for diving in the area too 😂
  9. Man Utd carry on from last season. They look shit
  10. can we ban KD from starting threads for players until jimbo's TV is shown?
  11. Aye I would agree. I think it will be a fee 'undisclosed' too so both teams save face
  12. Parish could quite simply fuck over his club here for a decent fee for this lad and end up with fuck all brass. I understand he wants a fee what he thinks fair but he must surely understand we have a limit too.
  13. Fuck me. Pissing myself reading that on the bus and the old dear next to me must think I'm mental
  14. Knowing our luck this cunt breaks his leg at the weekend playing for Palace
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