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Everything posted by wykikitoon

  1. Cheers man, think ill stay in and watch Shutter Island then
  2. I am off to the flicks on Weds with the misses. Is Salt any good?
  3. The Gfriend makes this, its fecking gorgeous
  4. Regardless some respect might not go amiss. Aye Its the ignorance that a lot of people give when cycling is mentioned though. Last season Mark Cavendish was tested 170+ times. Thats urine, blood and hair samples. Footballers are lucky to be tested 3 times a season and they only test urine. Cycling should be applauded for making their sport a lot cleaner than any other sport out there! :D :icon_lol: Thought as much Rob He confessed to using drugs. How many wankers who play football will own up to that? Zero because they are fucking fannys.
  5. I dont understand people who have a poor diet tbh. You feel LOADS better when eating good food.
  6. Regardless some respect might not go amiss. Aye Its the ignorance that a lot of people give when cycling is mentioned though. Last season Mark Cavendish was tested 170+ times. Thats urine, blood and hair samples. Footballers are lucky to be tested 3 times a season and they only test urine. Cycling should be applauded for making their sport a lot cleaner than any other sport out there!
  7. Not been down all week so going tonight to see whats happening, get my fucking moolar!
  8. I thought this was a thread revival for Kevin
  9. Gold What a fucking numpty. Why wont they let you swap cash from savings to current?
  10. Aye saw that. Well done Stanley, nice touch. Just looking at that fills me up man
  11. Notes from a small country by Billy Bryson - Funny as fuck
  12. Go on there Wyki!! Now take this attitude down the allotments and claim back your territorah!! Take back your manhood aswell you fucking nonce and stop complaining about everything to do with your "friends". My manhood is still stook up your mothers fucking anus you little wanker!
  13. Kevin, do you have to fuck EVERY thread on this board. Stick to the OP you fucking nonce.
  14. Laurent Fignon has passed away today after losing his battle with cancer One of cycling greats Only 50
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