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Everything posted by wykikitoon

  1. You have to the love the internet rumor mill. Kilnsmann's odds from 800/1 down to 5/1, thats a load of dosh. They have to love the net these bookies
  2. Finding other ways to promote yoiur website would be as well. smells like shit to me. let's face it, it's fucking pardew. why would klinsman give up california to work for the fat twat? *Kerching* But aye, who are we kidding? The media wouldnt get it that wrong would they?
  3. Will you two (or 3) ALL grow a fucking pair and fuck off derailing the thread.
  4. Fuck off man, it was missing 2 numbers Oooo FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT
  5. A lot of people have said he doesnt have a plan B and when things are going to the shit on the pitch he just stands with his arms folded at the edge of the pitch FFS were FUCKED
  6. I cant wait to see his face when he gets booed by EVERYONE in the ground.
  7. *searches for pic of Harewood in the nip* Maybe that's why Pardew picked him ahead of Kettle-face? Kettle-face At least youre keeping me sane man.
  8. They really are awful. Couple of giggling wankers with ZERO fucking sports knowledge
  9. Smug Cunt whose being smug you stupid little bollocks, i was joking, i'd love the above to happen but obviously it's not fucking going to. I hate that fat odious cunt and his dogs-bodies So was I, I was being optimistic yestetday and Alex called me smug People are telling you what's going on, people with their finger on the pulse not stuck down in deepest Reigate, and you wouldn't listen. There's no room for optimism this week I wish there was, but I told you what's happening. Reigate, Heywards Heath. Jesus man. Sorry didnt realise you had ur finger on the pulse. I will, from now on believe everything you say. That Baines deal is taking a while tho Here we gan the Baines thing, I've given you SEVEN pieces of ITK in the last 18 month, all have come true, and all mugs like you remember is Baines. Next thing I pick up I'll PM a select few, so mugs like you can't spout shit like that. Savage - Bigger club than any he's played for put it that way, he didn't play for Man Utd really. The other week on twitter, Savage was trying to take the piss out of Rio. He mentioned Ferguson, and Rio responded with something along the lines of "Last time he spoke to you, he was sending you to crewe. You just weren't good enough. You must have been crushed". Clamped, as the charvers say. what did the floppy haired fuck say to that. He was beefing on Twitter about people taking the piss out of his old man for having alzheimer's
  10. DO NOT even joke Sorry I tell you what honestly if that happened, I wouldn't be that surprised. I dont think any of us would any more
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