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Everything posted by wykikitoon

  1. On Twitter? Quote it lad, quote it!
  2. The bindippers have fucking bummed us in the last two transfer windows. Anyone but them fuckers.
  3. They broke into Ladbrokes and both lost £50 each!
  4. £20m package to help business get off their feet again and a payout for insurance for people even if they werent insured!!! Lets hope these benefit sponging fuckers foot the bill and not people in the NHS etc!
  5. Holy SHIT! Now getting that off the books would give FCB a hard on?!
  6. Bendtner? Are you on glue? Class, Ive just LOL'd at that
  7. Looks like we are stuck with Smith, Perch and Ranger then. How long until his contract runs out? Surly a loan deal where they cover a certain proportion of his wages is better than nowt?
  8. Blackburn Rovers 0 Wolverhampton Wanderers 1 Fulham 1 Aston Villa 1 Liverpool 3 Sunderland 0 QPR 1 Bolton Wanderers 2 Tottenham Hotspur 1 Everton 1 Wigan Athletic 2 Norwich City 1 Newcastle United 0 Arsenal 1 Stoke City 1 Chelsea 2 West Bromwich Albion 0 Manchester United 2 Manchester City 4 Swansea City 0
  9. Finish 15th Star Man Tiote Best Signing Ba One to watch Gosling / Ba Young Gun Vuckic Point to Prove Ashley Manager Puppet Cunt
  10. Latest pictures from Liverpool looting.
  11. Aye, effort of your own back, but why should you do that when you get paid to goto College init? Paid to doss about chilling wiv your brov's Ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyye
  12. I think at the core is the concept of "decency" - if shit loads of people don't honestly see anything wrong with looting then we're basically fucked. The stupid thing is I think as a whole "society" has improved over the last few decades - I know people don't believe it but there is less crime and shit like racism and homophobia along with other bigotries are less than what they used to be but there is still a huge problem with recognition of what is right and wrong at a fundamental level. As I said when discussing the NOTW thing I couldn't believe how the idea that coppers took money for information didn't cause the outrage I felt it should and as you say things like expense fiddling and tax avoidance seem to be seen as almost acceptable. This seems to me at least to show a conflict between how people generally behave and how easy it is for them to accept stuff they know is wrong when it suits - very worrying. shockingly bad education system has resulted in youth of today being primarily fucking thick, preoccupied with celebrity and unaware of anything outside of the vision of their phones' screens ? can't wait for the next generation of them...and the next... fucking tragic They see mongs get on shit TV like Big Brother, XFactor, Im a mong fucking love me and we glorify these shit shows, throw money at them etc. Its a joke it really is.
  13. Some kids who live near us. They are of Primary school age and you look at their parents and think "NO chance" Mother smokes weed, screams at her kids, commits benefit fraud and is basically a fucking gutter dog. Her kids are slowly going that way. They throw litter about, they have started swearing and basically started trashing peoples property because their bored as the mother is sat watching her 3D TV rolling another "phat" one.
  14. Good post. Though the one thing that doesnt sink with me. I was brought up in benwell from '72 until '79 when I moved to West Denton. It's fair to say I lived in a rough area. I done fuck all at school bar daydream. I fit your example perfectly. Encouraged by my Father to go out and work and that training schemes were slave labour. I got one O level (Actually a GCSE, the first year they were done) and that was in Art. I wanted to resit Maths as I just missed out. Went back to 6th form but left in Jan to get a job and earn money. Didnt go to uni. Dont have a criminal record. Stolen from a shop once as a teen and got caught. Thank fuck I did tbh. Otherwise Im your typical bloke who stays on the right side of the law (bar speeding, but thats another discussion). I now run my own business through nowt but hard graft. I never felt like society owed me anything. Never felt hard done by even when I had my first flat and no carpets, no bed. I slept on a sofa that I was given and washed my clothes in the bath. This was when I was about 19 and in Newbiggin Hall. First job I earned £6500 a year. Never once did I think "fuck this, I deserve better so I'll steal it". Hard graft, head down. Everything I have I've earned. Was on the dole once for 2 weeks and hated it. So, all this talk of "theres no opportunities" and "I dont get paid to go to Uni" or whatever. I'm sure you can see why I think "Fuck You". Also maybe you can see why I do tend to label many on the dole as scroungers. Of course, there are those who try and fail. But there are many who dont. To give a balanced argument though. Criminality is at all levels of society. It not just the poor. The whole things stinks of hypocrisy. The MP scoffs at the 16yr old petty thief while he files his dodgy expenses. Is it so different? But, while that is wrong, it doesnt make the former any more acceptable. You cant look at one and say its ok as the other does it. I blame the parents I actually do btw This basically.
  15. Haha I tried an experiment on here with my allotment, never worked
  16. Shouldnt they be "organising" for next year and planning? Thats what they do in their holidays right?
  17. A lot of people are talking of bringing the Army in. Martial Law anyone?
  18. I worry this will get overlooked as the general public get more and more fed up with the riots. I'm all for harsh, short term solutions so long as we can get round to addressing why the 'yoof' have decided to go feral on us all of a sudden. You reap what you sow. For years the governments have been giving handouts after handouts to shits who think its acceptable to produce kids and sit at home smoking weed watching their 42" plasma and eating Sugar Puff Sandwiches. These shits see their parents doing this and see it as the "norm" to do fuck all apart from make others lives a misery. The Government need to have a hard look at themselves. If they want to slash costs on things they need to look at cunts like these. Reaping benefits for fuckers who have never paid a dime into the system in their lives. Make them do work for their money. Litter pick, cut grass, work in council parks etc make them work for their money. This spate of riots and looting is going to cost the goverment a load of dosh, a load of dosh they do not have to spend. Go in hard on these bastards now!
  19. Everyone who gets interviewed who is on the rob, riots cant even say why they are doing it tbh. Their excuse "errr the government init"
  20. Olympics FFS we shouldnt be allowed to run tiddlywinks!
  21. Aye they just gave that out on 5Live.
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