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Everything posted by wykikitoon

  1. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c4gegy4r9ndo.amp
  2. Fucking dipper is seething and I'm loving it 😂
  3. Palace doing well with their generational talent 😂
  4. Nice to see the Spitfire cunts get fuck all again.
  5. What do you call two Irish Lesbians? Gaelic
  6. Not have to hide my shower gel or deodorant because he's a tight cunt 😂
  7. Went for a couple of drinks after work tonight, there was a few of us out. It's rare I go as I am either cycling in, or because I am in early, most people leave at 17:00 when I am leaving at 16:00. Anyway, was nice. I finished at 16:30 and a couple of others did, so I suggested we go for a beer. One lad stayed for one and then there was just me and Dipper. Anyways, Dipper has been struggling for months with work and he told me the other week he was looking for another place. Tonight he told me he went for an interview on Monday and they have offered him the role. He doesn't think he's going to take it though as it's a 15 minute driver rather than a 10 minute walk Honestly, he knew that before going for the interview so why waste someone's fucking time they have offered him more brass and paid OT, a better balance of work etc. It's a canny move for him.
  8. My wife left her last company with no job she was that fucked off and down. She left and got a new job and she's been in it for 2 months now and you can see the spring in her step (or maybe that's the Wilson injury). Anyways, he old MD who was an UBER cunt has won an award from some cock suckers about his management. Yet he couldn't give a flying fuck about people. He is a robot he grafts like fuck for what? Not see his kids grow up? Not go on holiday? Not see his wife? Oh but he has a wine cellar and two Astons! Get to fuck. Since she's left another 12 people in Leeds have handed their notices in. They didn't have enough staff as it was, then some investor came in and put an immediate halt on recruitment whilst they went over things. Now they're more fucked
  9. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C_gRXSOISS9/?igsh=anF4ZXNiNWF4OTM2
  10. wykikitoon


    Years ago when I used to listen to Radio5 they were talking about it. If they were safe etc. Some mug phoned in ; 'Yeh mate, they're well safe mush' 'Well, everyone thought cigarette's were safe when they first came out, it wasnt until decades later.........' 'Ah mate but this is just vape, I dont cough or nowt init' 'So no side effects or anything?' 'No mate, I just have to wash the inside of my care windows once a week as they get a weird film on the inside of them'
  11. https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m00201xv Just listening to this. FUCK THE TORIES!
  12. wykikitoon


    A lad I worked with wasn't a smoker. Well, someone you would class as a smoker. At Christmas when we were out for a few beers you would see him have the odd cigar. On other nights out he didn't bother. Now, he's a massive Vape heed!
  13. FORZA SANDRO!!! Or didn't want to sit on an easyjet flight full of pissed scabby cunts
  14. Fuck me, this HAS NOT gone down well at all
  15. He looks like he's lost weight
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