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Everything posted by wykikitoon

  1. Aye Billy was a sound lad, however their support is fucking shite and we wont miss their 3000 attendances in the Premiership tbh
  2. This. It sends no message out other than, be racist. Doesnt matter where youre from tbh. When in rome and all that....... just because its acceptable in one culture to behave like fucking rats you dont do it everywhere.
  3. Ah right. Helps if I did read it all. Well he should be banned from playing in England. What happens if Terry is found Guilty? Same? 8 match acceptable? The old Bill are investigating this one, why not the Suarez one? Because a member of the public hasnt complained? Joke.
  4. If he has and their going on Evra's say so, then its poor by the FA. If he has and they have gone on what the officials have heard ALSO or whoever has given evidence, he shouldnt play football in this country again IMO, the little shit should be deported.
  5. Haha, thats cute, bless him Im feeling kind of euphoric if thats the correct word? Sort of relaxed. I made my mind up last night I need to get out of this place if I want to continue progressing my career. This place has a small element of people of un-professional people. Sounds drastic, but when there are only 15 people or so in the business, 3 people who are un-professional in their approach makes a big difference especially when two are working on my job. So, I know, ill be the one laughing in the end and this place will be fucked
  6. Deffo, he must be. The slack cunt (her) has just said "Todays gone quite quick" Thats BECAUSE YOU SPENT 3 HOURS AT HOME YOU AIDS RIDDEN WHORE!
  7. I wouldnt fuck her with Kevins Shes not that bad
  8. Makes your cock look bigger I need all the help i can get FFS!
  9. Well basically nothing is going to change here. The stupid bitch here seems to be untouchable. Shes dropped another bollock, so I sorted it and emailed the gaffer and cc'd the Mong in. My gaffer says something along the lines of "Well done, good checking" then didnt say fuck all to her. Anyways last couple of weeks she has done next to knack all. She has had a couple of hours of here and there to get stuff organised in her house. Yet never makes any of her hours up. Today this takes the biscuit. She is off home at 3 to have a chandelier installed. It needs to be done today and in the light as he needs the electricity off. Hmmmmm so at 3pm your house is light is it at this time of year? Meanwhile, silly bollocks here is having to fire fight. WELL FUCK THAT
  10. Did he try and bum you too?
  11. Someone call an Ambulance!............................................Im in a good mood!
  12. Die Hard The Holiday Home Alone 1&2 BttF
  13. I do have a lot of wipe clean ones I must say. The little things that make me smile and happy are basic manners. We seem to be losing them as a nation, but a simple thank-you when you have a door opened for you, or a please when asking for something.
  14. IMO You should pay for that SouthernMag. Not in a feeling bad way, but hard cash to the NHS.
  15. Pork pies are "to-go" food. Pies are also people from Wigan
  16. wykikitoon


    Ah, saw someone in Headingley with impressive hair like yours last night
  17. wykikitoon


    You didnt go out i Headingley did you?
  18. My pleasure Fist lad, hope you enjoy it mate.
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