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Everything posted by wykikitoon

  1. Pretty difficult stretching like that and it spun off his boot. Isnt the hand ball supposed to be deliberate?
  2. Handball, how can you play football today? You have to play with your arms in your shorts.
  3. Fucking peno The jammy cunts
  4. What a cunt Dagleish is, I hope they get dry bummed tonight.
  5. Hey up Rikko. We had an update from our solicitor, basically told us what we knew Monday, seems the whole lot of them are fucking useless.
  6. Estate agent just called the gfriend to say the FTB is all set to go now. We have heard fuck all from our solicitor all week. Complete joke, we have left 3 messages this week and had ZERO call backs.
  7. If there's nothing to tell, they won't bother. Some solicitors are just shit. Unfortunately the stage you're at it wouldn't be worth withdrawing your instruction and taking your business elsewhere. You'll just have to know for next time and give appropriate feedback. Could always lodge a formal written complaint, but as she's one of the owners you never know how seriously it will be taken. Also, I wouldn't necessarily take everything the estate agent says at face value - they're often several days out of date with their information. In any chain you always get the chinese whispers factor as well so it can be very difficult to get correct information. Not much help. I know, but I hope you can get sorted. I have said that to the gfriend. They will be after their money and will say anything. I understand that if there is anything to say they dont have to call us daily, but when they speak to us a week later and ask us AGAIN when we want to move its a bit out of order. Its so frustrating.
  8. We would rant to the buss, but she is one of the owners of the firm
  9. I am seriously thinking about speaking to the Law ombudsman about it. I cant book time off work or we cant even book removals etc because we cant organise it. Now this isnt fully my solicitors fault, but her communication or lack of is unacceptable.
  10. I am going through the motions of buying a house and at the moment I am running out of patience with our solicitor and her lack of communication. There are 4 people in the Chain: First time Buyer -> Buyer A -> Us -> Buyer B. We went to the solicitor two weeks ago to go through paperwork. She asked when we wanted to move, we chose a date of the 23rd and asked if that was realistic. She had some paperwork to sort out and we gave her the remainder of the week. We didnt hear anything and then a week following the meeting we still hadnt heard anything so called her and she was 'busy' we left a message to get back and nothing. This happend a couple of times until we did get in touch with her near the end of the week. During this conversation she asked when we wanted to move. We were a tad shocked and thought WTF, we have had this conversation once before. We also asked if certain paperwork had been done and she said it had. Fair enough. So she went off to see if people were ok with the 23rd and if not we can do the 26th. We havent heard since late on Friday. We have had more information out of the Estate Agent than the solicitor. According to the Estate Agent the FTB when buying the house of Buyer A, his solicitor (The FTB) has noticed a covenant has been broken so their doing paperwork for that. Now, shouldnt our Solicitor be keeping us up to date about this? I understand if there is nothing to tell, but a courtesy call or an email saying so would help. The communication from her and her office is shy of dogshit.
  11. Sorted it. used a combination of Rkill and MBAM. Little bastard thing it was.
  12. No chance. He is a dodgy fucker, but money talks and I am sure he will grease some palms.
  13. Hmmm doesnt appear to be. I am scanning with malware atm so will check through
  14. I did an MSconfig and found this little thing in startup; C:\ProgramData\ScFifFUnavADgjd.exe Any ideas?
  15. I can boot up in safemode, nee bother. Ill try a restore
  16. Sweet, its Vista and I have the CD so will have a gander tonight.
  17. Hmm, what you saying Ant lad, how do I tackle this mofo?
  18. Aye, ill be doing that tonight. I havent installed any Hware or Sware recently. The AV did kick up an alert and in my logs it was given access, thats when its caused damage and now its been deleted.
  19. b0rked, thats what the kids say n'wadays dont they? Anyways, I got a virus yesterday and its b0rked my lappy. I booted in safe mode and did a scan and its found nothing more than what it blocked last time. I.e it f@cking allowed it access, then found it again then blocked it then deleted it. Now, everytime I boot up in normal mode I get a Blue Screen. Is it a format jobbie? I am a little worried about a BSOD isnt that a hardware issue normally?
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