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Everything posted by wykikitoon

  1. This tournament will go down as a success as we did better in the group than people thought. In reality we were poor in general. Gerrard and Terry were the stand out men for us. I didnt want Terry at all, but he has shown me and the others how great he was. I do think though by having a midfield sitting so far back as we did, he was protected though. If Terry had been exposed to any pace at him, we would of been fubar. Last night how many times did we play the Italians on side? Lescott & Johnson, werent too bad. I like Hodgson, however his decisions to keep on with Young and Milner (I thought the latter had a better games last night) when its clear they were both shite will be one we are asking for a while. I wasnt dissapointed last night after the initial low because it was expected. If we had beaten the Italians we would of got a dry bumming of the Jormans, nee doubt. We were sat way too deep in every game trying to do a Chelsea CL. I would of had the Oxo and Walcott on sooner in some games, and would of taken off Rooney last night instead of Welbeck and Young instead of Milner. Pirlo was allowed to boss the game, who was supposed to be marking him? Oh well, we have the WC to qualify for now! Would Jack Wilshire made a difference? Gerrard and Wilshire? We need some creativity in the midfield thats for sure.
  2. He is overweight and shouldnt of been on that pitch last night, he was fucking shite.
  3. Rooney is looking shit. Milner has been better, but when we break at speed we dont have any midfield to support the forwards at all.
  4. WP Andrew, all the best people get 2:1's
  5. Thats why I stopped lisetning to Absolute Radio.
  6. Ive never done shiftwork so never really thought about that. I do know when the clocks go back it gets to 4:30 and its dark the motivation goes as naturally your body starts to slow down and get ready for sleep etc.
  7. 2mins a night is it or there abouts? Bring on Autumn
  8. Agreed A Chiro does wonders with the spine alignment, something a physio wont see.
  9. A friend of mine is out in Italy trainingt at the moment and he emailed me today and said this: Interesting.
  10. Im with you, nothing beats a nice relaxing in the countryside. Biked up inot the Dales a couple of weeks ago. At one oint I just got off the bike sat and listened to the sheep and lambs and the odd bird and that was it. No noise and the sun was out, great fresh air etc, perfect
  11. So NOW Blatetr wants it http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/euro2012/article-2162013/Euro-2012-Sepp-Blatter-demands-goal-line-technology-Ukraine-v-England.html?ito=feeds-newsxml
  12. *high fives* You see this Fish? This is what it should be
  13. Rooney looks about 4st over weight the fat cath word.
  14. I think Carroll and Rooney will be strong. One thing that does worry, both Carroll & Rooney like dropping deep to get the ball.
  15. What pace do we have and take advantage of?
  16. Very true about Carroll. I agree with Young, but he did try hard with getting back to defend. His attacking though was like you say, atrocious and he has been all tournament.
  17. Correct, thats why I ask. Are there plans to get shut of him?
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