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Everything posted by wykikitoon

  1. I am buzzing Just won a bottle of Bells, JD & Martini in the works raffle
  2. Cold Play Read Hot Chilli Peppers Guns & Roses. Didnt like em at school when all the "cooler" kids did, but now enjoy them Queen.
  3. Arctic Monkeys Radio Head Nivarna Beatles Elvis (band?) Kings of Leon now, their early stuff I enjoyed but now, nah, spoilt by the over playing of Sex is on fire.
  4. Andrei Gripel Left (German Road Sprinter) Robert Forstermann Right (German Track sprinter)
  5. Got lucky. A mate of mine had 3 bikes nicked, found them on eBay and the police had an almighty struggle to get any information from eBay. The Police said eBay was blocked on the PC's in the station and it would take anything upto 6 weeks for eBay to release any information of the seller.
  6. I love more or less under the LBA flight path only a couple of miles out from the runway and tbh you get used to it and dont notice the noise. Its quite busy like but nothing like Heathrow, I think then you would really notice it.
  7. Awww come on. She is though this grad, damn cutie. Its funny as fuck as suddenly this lad has a lot of people at his desk.
  8. I knew this was coming, NO chance, I aint getting sacked
  9. Jesus Christ! The graduate we have working here doesnt seem to realise a short skirt like that in an office full of blokes isnt a great idea. I have just been to speak to a lad who she sits opposite and she doesnt seem t realise you can see straight up her skirt
  10. One for Cath Robert Forstermann, German track sprtiner. Due to rules regarding having to compete in more than one cycling event to race he will be doing his normal event, the Kieren and also racing the MTB XC. Now thats going to be funny to watch.
  11. I dont know why, but I would love to give Hannah Miley one
  12. Ive always loved Clare Balding, she commentates on the Rugby League a lot and she really knows her beans. The patter between her and Noble & Davies is class and she really gives them a run for her money. As for how she looks, well, people would seem to have some of the pretty girls from Sky Sports News with nothing but cotton wool between their ears. IMO Clare Balding is a pretty women, aye, she may seem a bit "butch" but IMO personality is higher than looks. Anyways since she had cancer she has dropped a shed load of weight and she looks canny for it like, I know its not nice really, but she does. Top lass.
  13. Had Thai style salmon and rice last night after training, fecking LUSH
  14. Aye, exactly! Down with this thing!
  15. I really enjoyed the banter between Balding, Thorpe and Foster, really funny.
  16. Froome was born in Kenya...... Sharon Laws was born in Nairobi........ Both ride for GB.
  17. He is Indurain Mk2. He is a gorgeous time trailer.
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