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Everything posted by wykikitoon

  1. I love your smilies TR always make me chuckle.
  2. Think ill give that a bash J2J, sounds canny
  3. Game of Thrones, its FULL of Minge and Ive only seen the first Ep!
  4. That shit Fish and I've had it done to me and the banks were cunts too. I have switched to First Direct and cannot recommend them highly enough. Also, when was the last time you were out in Leeds? Is well expensive! I was in Headingley last month (off this weekend too) and I got two pints in the Oak, a nice sum of £6.80! WTF!
  5. Coffee 3. I also have a green or fruit tea at lunch. I still think tea is very popular and more popular than coffee.
  6. Apparently were linked with Davies, I hope not
  7. Ill do mine tonight, but knowing you lot ill be ripped to bits
  8. Aye I just wish he would fuck off to Khazaksthan or somehwere and get kidnapped
  9. Aye, I think they can easily turn around now and say "Well, you wanted King Kenny, we gave him a fair crack at the whip, but he didnt get in the top 4 which is what we want" "We gave him £100+m and we didnt look like even cementing our place in the top 4 therefore he has to go"
  10. Whelan is a cunt of the highest order. Always has something to say about other clubs and when something like this happen instead of being quiet he is straight to the media rubbing his hands and thinking of the compensation. The pie heed cunt.
  11. He could take 12 months off and still get a job at Chelsea as they sack their manager that often!
  12. OR the press realise that ££ means a lot in football.
  13. Since we have more competition up front he seems to be working more tbh.
  14. I was at Echo central and used to goto the shop at the Gateway a lot, was always dead around there.
  15. That game where he came on at SJP and the crowd were chanting "one greedy bastard" was awesome. He was so wound up it was class.
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