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Everything posted by wykikitoon

  1. Just read on Twitter about Coleman wanting Shawcross to play for Wales, but will ask Ramsay first. Wait on Chris lad, whos the gaffer? Fuck that little jumped up prick, he aint the gaffer. you are!
  2. "Whats tha mean there's nee Broon Ale! Fucking losers!"
  3. Quite impressive! http://news.sky.com/story/958427/video-game-collection-sells-for-1m-on-ebay
  4. My Gfriends parents are from Derbyshire and they call everyone Duck "Alright Duck, no worries duck, see you tomorrow duck"
  5. I dont like Rodgers, I think hes a sly cath word
  6. Beta Key give aways - http://www.guildwars2guru.com/news/633-curses-july-bwe-beta-key-giveaway/
  7. He should, but he wont. If It was you and I in a meeting, then, *bang* see you later.
  8. I have just been looking at something on Wikipedia about someone. Why in America do they have to put "African-American"? The peice went something along the lines of "His father was an African-American labourer" or similar. Why not put "His father was a labourer"? You dont see "His mother was a white washer women" do you?
  9. Mild Slur? Calling someone a black cunt? Mild?
  10. Ill give it a whirl. Watched The Wire again at the weekend, damn fine show.
  11. Will I be able to watch it and not think of Dumb & Dumber?
  12. What about the support to the cancer sufferes? The groups that his charity hold etc? This doesnt allow him to be a doper dont get me wrong like. What has been said though about going for the big fish is important. It wasnt just the doping of Armstrong its the overall picture, the pushing of drugs, the cover up, the whole bull shit of the 'omerta' with his group. People if they asked the wrong question got their photograph taken and passed around to his helpers and if they were seen close to him, told to leave etc.
  13. So IF he is found guilty, what will happen? 10 match ban? Chelsea should terminate his contract. Mind you, that may help them
  14. The thing with Lance though, its not just cycling. The amount of money has has raised for Cancer research, awreness etc is massive. Anyway, that debate is for another thread.
  15. Oh aye. A footballer can stand around and do fuck all and get away with it. Do that in cycling, marthons, tri you/re fucked. There is no doubt in the 90's cycling was riddled with it. They have tried so hard to clean it up. The situatiuon with Armstrong now I am just undecided. I am not sure, do we leave him and put it down to the sport being riddled with dopers, or do we continue persuing him? It seems all one sided. I am just tired and bored with it tbh. It makes me laugh. We had two riders finish the stage with broken ribs & punctured lungs, yet these faggot footballers roll around as if they are hurt, its so fucking annoying.
  16. If Terry is found guilty willl Rio be the first to jump on Anton's back when he gets out of court.
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