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Everything posted by wykikitoon

  1. My mate has just come back from holiday in Africa, he cant stop buying raffle tickets He's suffering from tombola
  2. Is that Paddy a can sup like? Will have to try it.
  3. I have tried to take the personal things away from the situation. I.e I dont like the bloke because of the lies and bull shit he spouts. So taking that away and looking at it without emotion (which is difficult) the bloke isnt doing his job correctly.
  4. I've tried that Gemmill. He ignores most of his emails and the gaffers seem to also. I emailed about a month back about certain dates on a job and the time it would take to carry out these tasks. Totally ignored and as of Monday we will be 3 weeks overdue on one part of it. I brought that up on Monday, for him to say that the dates have been pushed back, which is the first I heard and I dont believe it.
  5. Last night I finished my Bushmills. Anyone recommend a similar Whiskey?
  6. Still fucked off after a shitty week at work. However, today man works in the garden doing man jobs!
  7. Right I am having issues at work with one of the gaffers. Ill try keep it simple. Basically, he is fucking shite at his job. I have spoken to the main gaffer twice about it. I have spoken to the main gaffer and the other directot together once about it and a few of us a couple of weeks ago spoke to the main gaffer not directly about this shite gaffer. but about certain proccess in the office which were not been carried out correctly. Now, we had a deadline on Friday. This gaffer was gonna send some info out to get some of it done externally. I sent it out and then the lad doing it externally emailed the gaffer asking a few questions. This lad as normal just ignored it. Got to Friday morning, eternal lad phones one of the gaffers saying this lad hadnt been in touch and he was rather fucked off about it. So, me and this lad pulled in the office and questions asked. Whilst there I raised the point that these projects werent going out because I had zero information from silly bollocks. Anyways, we come out and then this useless shit says that "We need a plan to get them out" The infomation did go out, but as per on this kids projects they went out unchecked and probably containing errors (another issue brought up). Its seriously fucking me off working with this lad as he is fucking useless. He doesnt communicate on any of the projects I work with. He doesnt manage work loads or projects. He is just shit and lies all the fucking time. I have tried speaking to the gaffers and they just seem to make excuses for the little cath word. Saying they're putting extra work on him etc. But we are all getting that yet we do the job right. I am going to ask to be moved out of his team on Tuesday as I cannot work with him. I dont want to leave the company as the majority of the lads are good and the work is good. But this lad is a fucking joke. Is it worthwhile getting HR involved? I dont want to piss the main gaffer off really. He may see this move as underhanded, but then again, I have complained 3+ times now about him and nothing has been done. I genuinely dont think they know how to deal with him.
  8. Wasnt he sent to an open prison only to be sent back after he was caught dealing? Sounds a nasty bastard and should be left locked up.
  9. Superb Anfield last night. So quiet you could put a newborn to sleep there. Yet Martin Tyler was wanking over them for being great supporters. Fuck off Tyler you nob. Liverpool were shite last night and Gerrard looks finished. He looks shattered and cannot do the running any more.
  10. Stevie you're a battler. You have the right mindset and personality. Take each everyday with every grasp, but that doesnt mean getting mortal everyday man. You know this mate. The odds are it may come back, but its not exact mate. Chin up, I will raise a Guinness tonight for you mate, all the best and god bless fella.
  11. So this lad in the office was caught speeding in his company car. Fair cop. Yet he paid the fine and claimed it back on expenses. How the fuck does that work?
  12. I wish the media would fuck off with the morning sickness bollocks about HRH split arse. Seriously, who gives a rat arse?
  13. @@Gemmill and @@Tooj Cracking final 20km on todays ToB, make sure you watch it tonight
  14. Aye, she wasnt really nice. RIP like though.
  15. 81 http://www.theguardian.com/stage/2014/sep/04/joan-rivers-pioneering-entertainer-comedian-dies
  16. My pancakes always look like shit Made something similar a while back and looked wank
  17. Enjoying my commute this week into work since i got back on the bike. But wow, so many dick heads, on bikes and in cars. Last night a fat women in a 4x4 told me "Get road tax you wanker" 2 seconds later I caught her in traffic. I asked her if she shouted the same abuse to people who drove cars who didnt pay road tax as they were exempt from it. She looked at my blankly so I asked her if she even knew what the word exempt meant. This morning, car pulled over on the right (traffic heading towards me) on a narrow lane, illegally may I add, on double yellows. I was more or less parrallel with the car when an Audi twat tried overtaking the car and squashing me. He gave me abuse, again, I asked him why he wasnt giving the prick parked illegally and with no consideration to other drivers. He just told me to fuck off. Yeh, great argument you nonce.
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