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Everything posted by wykikitoon

  1. Not seen much of this but saw some of Adele. She was fucking this, and fucking that then gets a nipper on stage Will have a watch of Coldplays set later. Realised that their Yellow song is 16 years old man!
  2. Krul will be off surly and Elliot is crock for a while yet. So it's competition for Darlow?
  3. https://twitter.com/NigelLevine/status/746338716852101120 Oh dear, some thick bastards think we have left Europe.....
  4. Why was this put to a fucking referendum
  5. I've heard people saying the voting should have included 16 year olds.
  6. These people understand how voting works?
  7. ASAP its still gonna take what, 18 months?
  8. What will happen to all the millionaires exiled in places like Monaco? I am assuming it wont effect them at all?
  9. One of our major clients shares are down by 24% at the moment
  10. On that note of people from the EU will they have to get a visa to study here?
  11. I said to a kid at work about the market crash and he said 'It's ok I dont have shares' errr but you have a pension you pleb. Fuck me, I feel shell shocked
  12. At least we can have bendy bananas now.........
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