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Everything posted by wykikitoon

  1. There was this saturday morning football thing on Sky Sports earlier. A young version of Jack Colback with some Chelsea CUNT and a Bin Dipping CUNT. Jack Colback's bairn said Andy Robertson was a better LB than Ashley Cole. WTAF!
  2. I worked with an old lad who was interviewed too. Driving back from the boozer pissed got stopped at road blocks. They weren't bothered then he was pissed more that he had a north east accent 😂
  3. Most of the actors are from Lancashire though which is odd. There's a Katie Obriens opening soon in Harrogate soon. You'll have to get down for that. Enjoy the stay!
  4. Shocking isn't it? Go to fucking Yorkshire and they're everywhere.
  5. Speaks well does the lad. Interesting re his father I never knew that about him.
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